12th Grade; The Last Day of School

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Virgil's POV

We were heading to school, nothing was happening, or going to happen but we wanted to see our friends one last time.

I wanted to see our friends, Roman said we would see them plenty of times, but I wasn't risking it.


Roman and I were walking to theater to meet up with the others. He was swinging our hands back and forth as we walked there.

"Hey Virgil?" Roman asked me.

"Hmm." I hummed in response.

"Do you know how cute you are?" I scowled at him.

"You know it's true~" He teased me as he opened the door to the theater.

"No, Im not. Drop it, please." He laughed one more time before agreeing to drop it. 


"You guys are here!" Thomas pulled the two of us into a hug.

"Of course we're here Thomas, why wouldn't we be?" Roman asked him.

"I don't know, Im just glad you are." Thomas skipped over to where Joan and Talyn were.

"So, what do you guys want to do?" I asked all of them.

"Run down the hallway screaming something like 'Could Be Gayer'" Roman said with a laugh.

"We should totally do that." Thomas said in all seriousness.

"No, Thomas I was just kidding." Roman said, quickly trying to get Thomas to back out of it.

"Of course you were, I knew that." Thomas said, a slight blush forming on his face from embarrassment.


After a few hours later, school was almost out. I couldn't believe it. 

And then another passed, as time ticked, one more hour to go, and I was hardly ever going to see anyone ever again, today was the last day I had a reason to get up in the morning, even though Roman would make me get out of bed.

And then the bell rang. And we had to leave.

"Roman. I don't want to go." I said stubbornly.

"Sorry, but we have no choice." He laughed at me, and after he saw that I wasn't budging, he scooped me up.

"But I don't want to." I whined, but he just laughed again. 

"Im sorry, but we have to leave." He told me once more. 

We walked out of the school everyone was cheering and running out of the doors, racing to their cars.

Roman walked to our car and placed me down.

"Why were you carrying him?" My Dad asked me, Roman started to slightly chuckle.

"Because Virgil over here, refused to leave." Roman said after laughing.

"Awe, kiddo, you'll see your friends again in no time. Just you wait." 


We got home soon after and I once again plopped down on the couch, like one does. Roman soon joining me. He started to play with my hair, it became a daily thing, I plop down, he sits next to me, and then does this. Sometimes he sings to me, which I always enjoy hearing. And then sometimes we talk for hours, which I also don't mind in the slightest.

"So what do you want to do, to kick off our freedom?" Roman asked me. I looked up at him, and I thought long and hard about it.

"Let's get a dog." I said. He looked kind of shocked at me.

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