You. Stink.

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About 1 and half month later...


I watched Hercules helpless, just hoping.., hoping he'd wake up. My eyes were red and puffy from crying, Aaron was attempting to comfort me.

He'd moved me away and into a hair on the other side of the room, rubbing small circles on my back and whispering soothing things; telling me, that he'll wake up soon.

John was crying into Alex's shoulder and Lafayette had his head in his hands, running a hand through some stray curls that'd escaped.

:-: :-:

Hercules' POV

I've started to lose count of the days that have gone by, I don't know how long I've been here and I don't know when I'll wake up.

I just want to hold Y/N right now and comfort her, let her know it'll be alright. I can't stand to see her cry or hear her cry, for that matter.

I heard a muffled sob and felt a soft hand grabbing mine. Y/N. I'm so sorry, Kitten.

I summoned all the strength I could and gave her hand a small squeeze. She gasped and I could practically hear her smile.

"He's gonna be okay..." she whispered, I assume tears welled in her eyes. That's right, I will be. And I'll do whatever you want after this for, putting you through this.

Nobody should ever have to be put through this, especially my Y/N. I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you, I promise you that.

"Your mother wishes she could be here Hercules, but she's busy trying to pay her taxes... she might loose her house." Lafayette murmurs softy.

Oh no. She can't loose her house, she'd have no where to go.

"Oh, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson... they said they hope you get well soon." Alexander sneered, I sighed to myself.

He needs to stop those petty arguments. Seriously, what did they do to him? In my opinion, he's becoming one of them by still fighting with 'em.

:-: :-:


I approached his motionless body, letting it a muffled sob. I grabbed his hand gently and felt a small squeeze in return.

This caused tears to well in my eyes and relieved smile to cross my face. "He's gonna be okay..." I whispered, still smiling happily.

"Herc, your mother wishes she could be here. But she's busy paying her taxes, if she doesn't, they'll evict her." John muttered sadly.

I wonder what's going through Hercules' mind right now. I can't imagine how that must feel.
I sighed and leaned back into the seat I was on.

"Oh, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson hope you get well too." Alexander sneered, I rolled my eyes. He's so childish with them.

I wonder... I was snapped out of my thoughts by Lafayette and Aaron though. "Y/N you need to get out." They said in unison.

"What. Why?" I snapped, releasing Herc's hand softly. "You stink, you need a shower. And, you need to get out more, you've been in here for a month and half!" Lafayette hissed.

"I guess you have I point." I mumbled. "Have? No. I know it's a fact, so stop moping around; it won't help his recovery. Now, let's go." Lafayette barked, grabbing my wrist and dragging me out.

Aaron followed behind us and shut the door quietly, he hummed a soft tune as he walked steadily.

We exited the building, Lafayette and Aaron shoved me into the car and drove off. What is up with them, good lord.

(DISCONTINUED) Sweet n' Sour {*~Hercules Mulligan x Reader~*} (Modern)Where stories live. Discover now