Commander: Star Wars - Broken Hope

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Rey stood within the forest line of Endor, where a battle had taken place many years before right now. Beside her BB8 stood – or what could count for standing – as the battle ensued behind them. The gunshots from AT-AT fighters and from the Resistance ships flying overhead. But she was focusing on the person in front of her.

Clad in his normal dark clothing, Kylo Ren unsheathed his lightsabre and ignited it, the red glow ominous and foreboding in Rey's eyes.

This was the final battle where the First Order won and the Resistance fell, or vice versa. Rey hoped for the latter. 

Kneeling down to pat the 'head' of BB8, she whispered, "Go and find General Organa. Tell her the battle is almost won." Rey smiled at the BB unit, hoping that she would be right.

Though Rey still believed that Kylo still had some good in him to return to being the Ben that his parents once knew, she resolved that this was only going to end one way. And she very much doubted that she would get the chance to join him again. Not that she would after what had happened.

As BB8 rolled away through the trees, Rey watched until the droid was far enough away, so that she could ignite her own lightsabre – she rebuilt Luke Skywalker's lightsabre, though she did have her own – and begin to fight Kylo herself.

Retreating from the safety of the treeline, Rey walked out, her lightsabre aglow. The two soon to be combatants stared at one another. 

Kylo Ren's eyes were wide, but his hand shook which had the lightsabre within it.

Rey mastered her face into a blank expression, the only sign of emotion was from her narrowed eyes which burned with what she was about to do.

The two both set off towards each other, lightsabres raised high, and when they came close to one another both of their lightsabres came crashing down against one another, making a loud sound which reverberated off the trees and sent the flying animals into the skies, away from their tree homes.

The two pushed at the lightsabres, trying to gain the advantage on the other as best as they could, but neither one letting up. Soon Rey stepped back, breathing hard, whilst Kylo merely stood there, waiting for the first blow. Rey was happy to deliver.

The clashing of their lightsabres as Rey angrily swung her lightsabre at Kylo, who blocked her with calculated moves. It soon became clear to Rey that Kylo knew her every move, but he wasn't fighting back. 

"Why aren't you fighting back?" Rey bellowed through gritted teeth as she swung her lightsabre around again, but this time catching Kylo's arm.

Kylo staggered backwards before hitting the ground, a cold and calculating look on his face. His attention turned to something behind her.

Before Rey could react to whatever was behind her, she felt electricity shocks run through her body before she passed out from the pain.


Rey woke up in a round room overlooking the planet Endor. She got up from the cold black flooring of one of the First Order ships and stared upon the ensuing battle, fires spreading among the trees. 

"Beautiful, isn't it?" A deep and cold voice said from behind her.

Rey turned around to find Kylo Ren walking towards her, two stormtroopers following closely behind him. 

"What am I doing here?" Rey demanded, her voice wavering very slightly as realisation took ignorance's place.

Kylo arched an eyebrow – his only sign of amusement. "To watch the rebirth of the Empire. Why else would we keep at least one of you alive?"

Though the question was rhetorical, Rey had very many words which she wished to say to Kylo at that moment and all of them were along the lines of what she had said when the force bond had first made its appearance.

Rey felt coldness around her wrists and looked down to find that her hands had been bound with metal handcuffs which dug into her bones and skin. It was as though needles had been placed within them. Rey, also, felt that she could not feel the Force and though she tried to reach for it, it was too distant. 

"Now, rebel scum, if you will turn your attention to the window, you will see..." Kylo trailed off after Rey glared at him, but she obeyed all the same.

The view was rather pretty. Endor was a very pretty planet, even up close. Whilst Rey looked out the window she heard – and felt – a thrumming noise coming from somewhere near them. She tried to look for the source around them, but she could see nothing to either side of the window. Whatever ship was making the noise was well concealed.

Then it happened. To Rey it felt that it had lasted for years, but really it had lasted mere seconds. A large beam of concentrated red light moved towards the planet before them. As it hit, the planet began to implode and fold in on itself, turning to nothing but dust as it folded. Until nothing was left. 

"No more Resistance." These were the last words that Rey had heard Kylo say before she was taken away by the two storm troopers.


It had been months, possibly even years, since what had happened. Rey had escaped the First Order's clutches within the first few weeks of being there, and stole a ship which crash landed on the planet which she resided on now. A planet called Coruscant. Rey had blended in as a merchant who travelled around the universe every now and then, but she mainly stayed within the boundaries Coruscant granted her.

Though it was very much an advanced and technological place, with skyscrapers more than forty storeys high, Rey disliked the place. Maybe because she had lost track of time there. Or maybe because of the lack of news of the Resurgence of the Resistance.

After the Resistance had been annihilated on Endor, Rey had looked for any inkling of news concerning any hope left in the galaxy. There was none, apparently. The First Order had stricter rules and guidelines. Going as far as to dictate clothing attire to be worn for everyday use. The jobs which the common people had, also, had strict guideline. For example, merchants could only leave their planet every ten years. Otherwise they made do with the merchandise they had to sell. If need be, they sold what scraps they had to get by.

But news had come to Rey that a Resurgence of the Resistance was being set up, sending around propaganda on the truth about the First Order. It was how to find it which was the problem. At the moment, it looked like they were merely looking for supporters in the people. That would do, until later. Rey knew they would have to come out of the shadows sooner or later, but right now she had to work upon her survival and not being recognised for her own role in the war which has, for now, ended. 

*Author's Note*

Word count = 1194

I hope that this is a good enough AU for this round. But anyhow, I hope, you, the reader, enjoyed this piece as much as I enjoyed writing it. Until next time, my dudes! :)

-Skullantacy Smith-

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