>> Chapter 4 <<

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Sunday 12:37 Pm

>> Momo's PoV <<

               "Hikari, truth or dare?" I said. 

               "Truth." She answered. I thought her tone of voice was weird. Like when you don't want to be somewhere but you got dragged there. 

               "If you could kiss any boy in this class who would it be?" She looked at me for a minute then she looked at everyone in the circle as if she was trying to figure something out. Then she smirked.

               "Hmm... I would say Izuku Midoriya. He looks plain but I like that." Her answer intrigued me but the look on Ochaco's face was a dead giveaway. She looked like she wanted to stab Hikari. I couldn't blame her, I would two if Hikari was a possible love rival.

               "Heh." She chuckled.

               "Mina truth or dare?" Hikari said. 

               "I'll go with Dare. I'M FEELING BRAVE!" She yelled 

               "Mina... Tone it down. We are all going to be deaf by the end of this!" I complained. Everyone laughed. 

               "Ok, ok I dare you to eat 15 cupcakes in one minute." Mina looked happy. 

               "OH YEA IMMA DEVOUR YOU, YOU STUPID CUPCAKES!" She yelled, again. I sighed as she completed the dare. Someone... save me....

>> Ochaco's PoV <<

               After Mina finished her dare she pointed to me. 

               "Ochaco, truth or dare?" I just looked at her. Darn it I was stuck. Truth was the more dangerous option in my opinion so I decided on dare. It could still go horrible wrong though. 

               "Dare." I say. Mina soon looked at me with a face I will never forget.... I was scared. What did I do...

               "I, Mina Ashido, dare you to go up to Midoriya's room and take a lock of his hair." WHYYYYYY MINA WHYYY. I start internally screaming. I think i'm shivering but who cares. 

               "Ok I'll do it.." Toru and I walked down the stairs to his room. 

               If I was caught here this would be the end of our friendship. Why did I accept again? Oh right. For that box. I opened his door slowly and peeked around the door the make sure he was asleep. I crept into the room and walked over to his bed. He looked so peaceful... I didn't want to disturb him but I had to. I took out the scissors I brought and took a lick of his hair. I felt bad, like really bad. This sucks.

               "EEEEEEEEEEEEP." I heard Toru scream.

               I activated my quirk on myself and stuck to the ceiling. He was awake now and trying find the source of the scream. Damn it Toru. WHY?! 

               "Hello? Who's there?" I looked at him and I floated out of the room as soon as he was looking away from the door.

               I had to be quiet or else. Toru you are dead. I made my way to the stairwell and floated up to the 4th floor. I was feeling nauseous and I didn't want to throwback up so as soon as I reached the ground I deactivated my quirk. I ran to Mina's room. I shoved open the door and sat down. I felt like I was going to throw up but I knew I wasn't.

              "Soooooooooo... How'd it go? DID YOU GET IT?!" She went up to my face. 

               "Y-yeah..." I huffed showing her the hair.

               "Good now make a shrine!" I just stared at her. No way was I going to do that. 

               "NO MINA. MY TURN IS OVER!" I Shouted at her. 

               Deku must have just walked into the room because he looked very confused and- wait TORU IS STILL MISSING AND HE IS HERE OH NO SHOOT SOMEONE HIDE ME ABAHAHAHAHAHAHFGJDHDU!!!!!!!!!!

               "What about a shrine- wait never mind. I was just wondering who screamed and if they are here are they ok? Also why were people in my room? Is this another of Ayoama's phases?" Does Ayoama stalk him? Oh jeez that's bad. 

               "Oh hey Midoriya, we were just playing truth or dare but we haven't sent anyone out. We are missing Toru though. I sent her to get some pictures... Wonder where she is though." Mina calmly stated. I just nodded. My face was red but thankfully the lights were off so he couldn't see.

               "Oh hey Mina! I'm back! And Deku that was me screaming I JUST SAW SOMETHING REALLY CUTE- and no it wasn't you i'm not a stalker." He looked at the empty Toru space with confusion.

                "Um ok... Anyways goodnight! Please don't send anyone to my room. Thank you!" He left... Oh thank God. I'm alive. Calm down. 

                "NOW THATS HOW YOU DEAL WITH STUFF OK! Ochaco you owe me." She winked at me. Oh no I owe Mina..... I go back in the circle and resume the game.


>> Time skip << ( Approx. 2 hours later )


               Eventually Toru won the game. It turns out the prize was a shrine making kit? I really don't know any more... Anyways A bit after that I woke up. I heard someone speaking...

               "The win changes with time and time changes with the wind." I heard a voice call. 

               "Good now tell me your report." Another voice said. 

               "We played truth or dare today. No important information. I looked around the offices at the school they are guarded so If It'll be hard to get in there." I gasped internally. There was a traitor... and it was one of my friends... "Okay now Stay in touch. Wind out" I heard some shuffling and there was a dead silence after that. 

               I need to tell someone about the traitor. Maybe Deku or Tsu... I'm so confused! I have to find out who it is.. For the sake of my friends! After that I drifted into a deep sleep.

HELLO! here are 3 notes for ya! Hope you enjoyed!

1. Hello! Thank you so much for reading my book. When I saw 400 reads I was surprised. It means a lot to me! THANK YOUUU!

2. Sorry for it being late.. I didn't have much time lol... don't hate me


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