Green Eyes, White Lies ~ Ch. 3

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"Jumped on the place at LAX with a kiss and a bridesmaid dress"

"Are you changing Miley Cyrus lyrics to be about my life?" I asked Stephanie with a raised eyebrow as I put my bags in the back of her truck.

She ignored me and went straight to the chorus, "So I put my hands up, They're playing my song," she belted in the airport pick up lane as she grabbed my hands and made them wave in the air. I couldn't help but laugh and started making butterflies with my hands in the air. "And the butterflies fly away. Noddin my head like yeah," she pointed at me and I picked it up.

"Movin' my hips like yeah," I belted back as I swung my hips like I was at a club back in LA. Then I heard a click and I stopped and began looking around. There next to the bushes was a man with a camera pointed at us. "Damn it," I groaned. "He's not even here with me."

"What?" asked Stephanie confused.

"Just get in the truck," I whispered, "and drive fast." We both ran and dove into the truck and Stephanie peeled out as I watched the man sprint for his car, but not fast enough. Another car came through and clocked him in as we were flying through a yellow light. I sighed, knowing we had lost him.

"So what was that?" Steph asked.

"I'm young, fairly unknown, and the complete opposite of my cute Hollywood boyfriend and the tabloids caught wind of me going back home I guess, they were at the airport in LA too," I explained.

"Oh," she grimaced, "No bueno."

"I know," I sighed, "If only that were the least of my worries. I hate it, but it's one thing if they follow me and screw up my life, I chose Ben, but if they mess up Monica's wedding."

"She'll kill somebody," Steph interrupted.

"Stephanie," I looked at her in shock.

"You haven't been here Jenn," Steph seriously stated, "She's not like Bridezilla or anything but if people show up at her wedding to take pictures of you."

"Ben's gonna be there too," I added.

"Well crap," Steph said, "She is going to blow a gasket when they show up. Have you talked to Ben about it?"

"Yeah, but he doesn't get it," I sighed in anger. "He always says I'll get use to it, but I haven't had people taking my picture to put on magazine covers for over half my life."

"Remember when we use to swoon over him as kids?" Steph asked as she got on the highway. She galanced over to catch my glare, "What?" she defended, "Your boyfriend is fine."

"I know," I rolled my eyes, "There's just three issues. The whole paparazzi thing."

"Ok," Steph nodded, "What else?"

"The fact that I'm not sure I'm in love with him," I quickly said, 'And the dreams I've been having lately."

"Stop," Stephanie blurted, "Rewind. Explain."

"I just," I grasped for the right words, "I care about him and he's wonderful and I'm very attracted to him, but there's something missing."

"You don't think you love him?" She asked.

"Yeah," I sighed, "And he's sure he loves me. He tells me all the time."

"What do you do when he says he loves you?" she asked.

I bit my lip, "I say it back," I nervously answered waiting for the backlash.

"Jenn!" Steph yelled, "You tell him you love him when you don't!"

"Well," I defended, "I might one day!"

"Then why didn't you tell him that?" she asked.

"Oh yeah," I exclaimed, "On a romantic dinner he leans over and whispers in your ear 'I love you' and, caught up in the moment, I'm suppose to stop and say 'Well sir, I care for you quite a bit, I'm not sure if it's love, but I'd like for you to keep spending time with me while I figure it out."

"It's not fair to him," she said, "He loves you and you're not sure."

"It's not necessarily untrue though," I said, "I'm not sure. It's a white lie."

"Sure it is," she sighed, "And the dreams?"

"Well, they're all different but pretty much the same," I said and I began to tell her about the little girl, my little girl. But the time I finished telling her the dreams, she was pulling over the cattle guard on the the dirt driveway of my stepfather's ranch. "The dreams always end with her looking at me with these gorgeous green eyes."

"Okay," Steph responded confused.

"Ben has blue eyes," I softly said, "These eyes belong to someone else, someone I know."

"Green eyes," Stephanie muttered over and over as she put the truck in park next to the large house. A figure walked out the front steps to the truck. As it moved closer we could see that it was David. Just then Stephanie gasped. "Green eyes?" she observed knowingly.

I nodded, "But don't say anything," I whispered as I opened the truck door and gave Jack's younger brother a big hug.

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