Green Eyes, White Lies ~ Ch. 7

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"Jenn!" an excited voice greeted me as I sat down at the bar, "You finally decide to come home?"

"Just visiting Lucas," I answered. "My baby sister is getting married."

"Hey," he smiled, "That's great! Shot on me to celebrate." He poured three shots of Patron and set them in front of us. We each grabbed one and raised them, "To Monica and Jerry, may they have a long and happy life together."

"Hear Hear," we agreed and tapped then chugged. As I sucked on the lime Lucas put in front of me, he nodded toward Jack, "So who's this?"

"You remember Jack," I told him, "He was in here with me all the time in college."

"Nice to see you again Lucas," Jack smiled.

"Good to see you man," Lucas replied, "You look and sound different."

"I just got back from a year in New Zealand," he explained. "And as for the look, Jenn gave me a makeover this afternoon."

"Good for her," he laughed as he handed me a whiskey sour. He pointed at Jack.

"Shiner," he said, "Draft."

"Comin' up," he nodded as he grabbed a glass and walked over to the tap. "So Jenn, you still dating that Ben Marshall guy? It's real fun to walk by the newsstand and see you on the front cover."

"Yeah," Jack rolled his eyes as Lucas handed him his beer. ""They're still dating."

"That's nice," Lucas said as I shot a look at Jack, what was he acting like that for? "Is he coming to the wedding?"

"Yeah, but he won't be in town until just before the wedding and we'll probably lay low," I told him, "But who knows, maybe I'll bring him by so you can tell people a real life movie star came in."

"That would be awesome," he grinned. "I gotta get back to work. You kids have fun."

"Will do," we answered at the same time. We both looked at each other and laughed.

"I missed you so much," Jack smiled at me as he raised his glass to his lips.

"I missed you too," I smiled as I touched his arm.

A few drinks later, I was feeling good, buzzed. "You know what we need?" I asked Jack.

"What?" he grinned.

"We need two more drinks, and some tunes," I excitedly shared.

Jack laughed, "Here's a couple quarters." I eagerly seized the quarters from his hand and made my way to the jukebox. The bar wasn't too busy, there were maybe fifteen people in there, mostly college kids. Standing at the jukebox, I put all the quarters in and started flipping through the songs.

"I like your top," a voice next to me said, "It's nice."

"Let me guess," I asked annoyed, "You want to know how it would look on your floor?"

"It's rather insulting that you think I walked up here just to hit on you," he faked injury.

"And it's rather insulting that you think I'm stupid enough to believe that," I laughed.

"Ok," he said, "Cards on the table. You're a beautiful woman and I'd like to get to know you."

"Cards on the table," I raised an eyebrow, "I'm not drunk enough to fall for that." I told him as I made my last choice. "And to top it all off, I'm not interested." I turned and walked away, hips moving side to side as "Hips Don't Lie" started to play. He followed me back to the bar where I grabbed Jack's hand, "Dance with me," I sweetly demanded as I took a sip from my drink and batted my eyes.

"Hips don't lie?" he laughed, "Really?"

"If you don't want to dance with her, I will," the college boy said.

Jack's eyes narrowed as he looked the boy up and down. "Boy, go sit down," he said as he stood up. We moved to the open area where people danced sometimes and I pulled Jack close to me. As my hips moved suggestively to the music, our bodies began to move together until it was as if we were one person. And as our bodies moved, I couldn't help but think how right it felt, how when Ben would get up and dance with me, it was awkward. Not that he was a bad dancer, he was better than Jack, but our bodies didn't fuse like this on the dance floor, or ever. Not even in bed.

The song ended and the next song began playing. I smiled as Jack took my hand and spun me into him as we began to twirl around the dance floor and him and Elvis sang 'I can't help falling in Love with You'. Laughing at his horrible Elvis impersonation, my heart beat faster. As the song came to an end, I whispered, "Maybe we should go". I walked back to the bar and gulped down the remainder of my drink as Jack paid our tab.

"Ready?" he asked. I jumped off my stool and lost my balance. As I started tumbling to the floor, I felt something break my fall that wasn't hard wood. Jack was lifting me back to my feet. "You okay?"

"A little tipsy," I admitted. He held his hand out and I handed him my keys.

"Come on," he said as he took his jacket off and wrapped it around me. I worked my arms into the sleeves as he put an arm around my back to help me ot the door. If I'd been paying attention to anything other than the speeding in my heart, I would have heard the click.

As Jack helped me up the stairs up the stairs at his house, I giggled. That last drink had really hit me hard. "What's so funny?" he asked.

"I realized why I don't love Ben," I giggled even though it was nothing to giggle about. I'd been talking about how I didn't love him the whole way home.

"And why don't you love," but he didn't get a chance to finish his question as my lips crashed onto his.


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