Green Eyes, White Lies ~ Ch. 12

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"You look beautiful," Stephanie smiled.

"Whoopie," I flatly responded, twirling my finger in the air like it was a noise maker. She was right, I was wearing a dress of my own design. It was baby blue at the top and slowly faded to royal blue. With an empire waist, the dress flowed gracefully to just below my knees. My hair was natural, curly and full of life, the exact opposite of how I felt.

I pulled out my phone and tried to text Jack again. He still wouldn't respond. "Could you please at least pretend you don't think you're walking off to the slaughter?" she demanded as she handed me a pair of kitten heels.

I sighed, "I'll try." I sat down to put the shoes on. "Ben's going to be here soon," I said as I stood up, "We should probably go downstairs." I grabbed the small black clutch and started down the stairs when I heard the doorbell. I took in a deep breath and Stephanie skipped ahead to answer the door. I was only steps behind her when she pulled the door open to reveal an ever punctual Ben.

I had to admit, he looked good. He had on black slacks, a red shirt, and a black sports coat. He held out a bouquet of red roses. "For you," he smiled.

"Thanks," I tried to smile as I took them, but it probably looked more like a grimace. I glanced at Stephanie as if to say strike one on knowing me, but she didn't see. She was too busy staring, I assumed at Ben, but I followed her gaze and the large black vehicle. "A limo?" I asked.

While I said it in disgust and disbelief, Ben must have heard something different because he grinned, took my hand and said, "Yes, I want tonight to be perfect." He started walking me to the limo and opened the door for me to get in them climbed in himself.

"Ben this is ridiculous," I claimed after a few minutes of sitting here in silence.

"I thought you'd like it," he said scooting closer to me. "So we could," he brought his lips to my neck and I pulled away.

"No," I directly told him.

"Come on," he tried to snake his arm around me and I pushed him away and moved to the other side of the limo.

"Ben, I said no!" I angrily asserted.

"Okay, I get it," he defended, "You don't want to make out in the limo."

I started to respond when the driver rolled down the glass. "Sir, we will be arriving shortly."

"Excellent, thank you," Ben told him.

The glass rolled back up. We hadn't been in the limo long enough to make it to the freeway, much less into town. "Ben, where are we going?" I asked nervously.

"Rio," Ben responded, "I heard it's the nicest place in town."

"I can't eat there," I looked at him with all seriousness.

"Jenn, I've heard the food is delicious," Ben explained as the limo pulled to a stop. He opened the door and took my hand, pulling me out of the limo.

"It has nothing to do with the food," I protested, "I just cannot come here."

Ben rolled his eyes, "Jenn don't be silly," he said as he pulled me forward. I dug my heels into the ground and pulled my hand out of his. "Jenn, what's wrong with you?" he demanded, looking at me like I belonged in an asylum.

"You," I practically screamed, I was so upset. "You and the fact that you do not know me and aren't listening to me!"

"Quiet down," Ben requested, "Jenn you've been acting really different tonight."

"That's because," I enthusiastically retorted, "I don't want to be here. You said this date would be perfect and prove how well you knew me. Well wrong flowers, wrong vehicle, wrong touching me, and wrong restaurant."

"What is so wrong with this restaurant?" Ben demanded, starting to lose his cool.

"My ex's parent's own this place," I shrieked. People were beginning to stare, but I didn't care.

"That's why you won't go in?" Ben asked in disbelief, "You're ridiculous!"

"No I'm not!" I yelled, "You don't understand!"

"Then enlighten me Jenn," he angrily commanded.

I'd never seen Ben like this before. I tried to form the words but every time I couldn't. "He hurt me," I finally said.

"What?" Ben asked, "He broke your heart or something, what, ten years ago? So you can't eat at his parent's fucking restaurant?"

"No it's," I shook my head, "Just forget it. I'm not telling you this story."

"No but I bet you told Jack," Ben spat.

The anger that had been building in me finally boiled over. "I didn't have to! He was there when it happened. He knows why I don't like people touching me if I'm not okay with it and why I don't trust men and why I have these scars and why I refuse to step foot inside this restaurant!"

Ben looked at me, nothing but coldness in his eyes. "As long as he's around, you're never going to really give me a chance are you?"

I wanted to tell him he'd had his chance, but I looked at him with the same steely look. "No," I flatly admitted, "Because I love him."

Ben looked at me with hurt in his eyes. He slowly moved toward the limo. "When he hurts you, don't come back to me. I'll get my stuff from your apartment and give Felicity the key." And with that he crawled into the limo and it drove off. leaving me standing alone in the cold night air.

I shivered as I pulled out my phone and texted Stephanie, "Please come get me."

Moments later my phone went off, "Where?"

"Rio," I texted back. I sat on a bench on the side walk as the crowd dispersed. Luckily Stephanie's truck pulled up in 10 minutes and I climbed into the cab. "I can't believe he brought you here," she exclaimed.

"He didn't know," I shrugged. "Anyways, he's gone now. Got in the limo and left."

"I'm sorry," she comforted.

"Don't be," I told her, "It's for the best." She nodded knowing what I meant. As we pulled onto Jack's street, I felt my heart tear. "I can't stay here tonight, he's still mad at me."

"Then you can stay at my place," Stephanie offered as she drove right by his house.

"Thanks," I smiled, "Can we stop and get ice cream and a chick flick on the way?"

"And dinner," Stephanie added.

"Chinese food," we both suggested and then laughed.

"We can order that," I smiled.

"Sounds like the makings of a great girl's night," she smiled as she pulled into the convenience store parking lot.

"I couldn't agree more," I informed her.

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