Green Eyes, White Lies ~ Ch. 10

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Monica was going to be fine. She hit her head and sliced it open in the accident so she had to stay in the hospital over night to make sure there was no concussion, but they would send her home tomorrow where she would need to rest. They said she should be up and moving for the wedding. As I walked through the front door and heard Jack close the door behind me, the wave of relief I had been feeling slowly washed away from me with the realization of what we still needed to discuss.

"Jack?" I asked as he hung up his coat.

"Yeah?" he turned to face me.

I looked down and took a deep breath, "Do you really love me?" I asked softly.

"Yes," he answered without stopping to think.

I looked up and caught his eye. As I stared into those green eyes, I felt nothing but warmth and caring radiating from him. I wanted to run and jump into his arms, but I knew I had to ask. "Why?"

Jack's eyes shifted to wonder and he took in a breath, "Because, you are the most amazing girl I've ever met and trying to explain why I love you would be like trying to explain why music touches the soul; I would sound like a raving lunatic, but the point would still be true." I sat down, never loosing eye contact with him. He sat down next to me and continued, "Jenn, did you know when you walked in the room in fourth grade, the very first time I saw you, my nine year old heart skipped a beat because you were the prettiest girl I'd ever seen? And that afternoon I went home and told my mom I'd met the girl I was going to marry? Or that junior year the real reason I broke up with Mary Beth wasn't that she was leaving for college or that she was cheating on me, but because I wasn't to ask you out but Rob beat me to it? Or that when I saw you that night, my first thought were of how I would die if I lost you?"

"I didn't know," I said in amazement. I looked down, unable to meet his gaze.

"Or how," he took my hand, "Every day since then, my first thought when I wake up is how I wish I could hold you and protect you. And every night as I'm going to sleep, I pray. I pray that you'll be happy and that if it's part of His plan that one day you'll look at me like I look at you." My heart beat faster as I looked up and met his beautiful green eyes. They sparked with electricity as our eyes met and I felt the shock through my whole body. He smiled gently, "My prayer just came true," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around me. I melted into him, feeling the warmth of him and how right we felt together. "I love you," he whispered into my ear.

"I love you too," I whispered back, and for the first time in over nine years, I knew it wasn't a lie or a wishful thought. This time, what I said was the truth. I felt my eyes brimming over with emotion.

Then the door bell rang.

"I'll get it," Jack said and as he walked away I couldn't help but smile. Everything felt right. Then Jack walked back in with a bouquet of red roses. "Those are for you," he sighed looking annoyed.

"Who would have sent me roses?" I wondered aloud.

"Not me, I would have sent you yellow ones," Jack said and I smiled at him. "But I can probably take a stab at who did."

I winced at the way he said it. I carefully reached for the note. "Jenn," I read aloud, "I told you I'm not going down with out a fight. I love you and," I swallowed as I set the note down.

Jack picked it up, "I'll see you soon," he finished, "Love, Ben." I snatched the note out of his hand and grabbed the flowers off the table then stood up and walked to the pantry. "What are you doing?" he asked then smiled as I threw them into the garbage can. "Really?"

"Jack, he may be fighting but it's no competition," I swore as I wrapped my arms around him. How had I not seen this before? Of course, I knew the answer to that. Rob had made me scared to trust, scared to open my heart, and scared to get hurt. After him I put up a wall. Jack was the only one who ever climbed over it, and I'm an idiot for taking nine years to figure that out. "I am going to make up for the last nine years," I told him, "Starting now."

He smirked and bent down. I squealed a little as my feet left the floor and I found Jack holding me like a groom hold his new bride. "I've got an idea of how you can start doing that," he said in a voice that sent my blood pumping and my heart racing. I almost gave in, but forced myself to lean up and kiss him as I jumped out of his arms.

He deepened the kiss and I pulled away. "As much as I love that idea, I was thinking dinner and a movie?"

"Not as much fun as my idea," Jack smirked and I hit his arm. He laughed, "Fine, dinner and a movie."

"Excellent," I smiled at him, "I'm going to start dinner and you sir are going to go rent a movie and go get some groceries."

"What movie?" he asked as he grabbed his jacket.

I looked over my shoulder as I opened the fridge, "Surprise me," I told him. He laughed as he walked out the front door.


"That smells delicious," Jack called as he closed the front door. "And you set the table." He walked past the table and into the kitchen where I was placing dessert in the oven. I stood up and turned around. "Wow," he said with a bag in his hands. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks," I smiled. While the stuffed chicken breast had been in the oven, I'd run upstairs and found a vintage midnight blue dress with a sweetheart neckline and that flared out stopping at the knees. I wore a necklace and heels with it. "Dinner's ready," I told him with a smile.

"Let me find a wine cork," he said. I took the plates in and set one at each seat. In a minute Jack came in with a bottle of wine and two glasses. He poured both and handed me one. I took a sip as he sat down and we both bowed our heads.

After dinner, Jack put in the movie and sat down, pulling me close to him. As the title screen came up I looked at him, "Jack I've seen this a thousand times."

"I know," he smiled. At first I tried to pay attention but Jack's hands on my skin were like electricity and his breath on my neck were too much of a distraction. When his lips started grazing my neck, I couldn't handle it anymore and I turned and my lips found him. As our tongues intertwined my whole body felt like it was on fire. I moaned as his lips and I didn't protest when his fingers found the zipper to my dress.

Just like on the dance floor, our bodies became one.


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