Green Eyes, White Lies ~ Ch. 5

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Three slices of pizza and four episodes of Psych later, I found myself looking up from my position lying on the couch through somewhat sleepy eyes at David's lean figure. He looked down at me and smiled, "What now?" he politely asked.

"My back hurts," I batted my eyes.

"Make an appointment," David smirked.

"Oh come on," I whined, "One quick back massage. Please."

David rolled his eyes, "Fine, lay down on the floor." I grinned at him as I rolled off the couch and onto the floor, attempting to get comfortable as David straddled my legs. Then his hands started at my shoulders, "My God, when's the last time you got a massage?"

"I can't find anyone in LA that I like," I half moaned, his hands felt so good, "At least not anyone in my price range."

"I'll work on it some now, but this is bad," David sighed. As a professional masseuse, that actually meant a lot. After a while, especially in my already sleepy state, I thought I might fall asleep right there on the floor. I was about to tell him it was time for me to go to bed, when I felt my tank top move away from my skin then hands on my back under the tank top. I suddenly felt the room turn cold.

"What do you think you're doing!?!" I angrily asked while my body tensed when his hands touched my bra clasp. They quickly moved away as I slid out from under him and stood up.

"I just thought," he looked down, "That maybe"

"You thought wrong," I told him, visibly angry and holding back tears. "You need to leave, now," I turned my eyes away from him and walked to open the door.

"I'm really sorry," he said as he walked out. I closed the door, locking it behind me, then lost control and crumpled on the floor crying. My phone went off and I flipped it open. "So sorry," the text read, "thought you were flirting and misread situation. PLEASE forgive me." I closed it and threw it across the room. Would I forgive him? Probably. Would I trust him? Not until he earned it. I walked upstairs and moved all my luggage from David's room to Jack's.

With tears still fresh on my cheeks, I walked into the bathroom to take a shower. I took off my shorts and my tank and looked at my body in the mirror. I ran my fingers along the sear across my back first, where I'd got caught crawling under a barbwire fence and dragged back under by my feet. My body jerked up as I had been dragged and 2 barbs caught along my entire back.

My hand came around to the left side where I got pushed down a hill during cross country. I slide down on my left side over and through rocks. My uniform had been soaked in blood when I crossed the finish line. It took them hours to get all the gravel pieces out of my leg and side. I moved up and followed where the stitches had been on my chest. When I thought that argument was over, she'd pulled a knife.

My hand rested a moment on the round puckered burn you could feel under my heart tattoo. I didn't know how long Rob had held his cigar there that night, only seconds but it felt like an eternity as the ashes burned my skin.

Finally my hands traced the scars he left me that night. I shivered as I remembered that cold gray day in January. Will was working and mom and the kids had gone into town. I met Rob in the driveway to tell him we were through. The discolored skin around my left eye was a greenish color and the other bruises were hid under my jacket. My nose was still slightly swollen and I knew it would never be straight again.

I expected him to be angry, but as I told him that I couldn't date him anymore, his demeanor quickly changed from calm to upset, from upset to furious. His balled fist connected with my cheek, his class ring slicing into my face as my jaw dislocated. As I stood there in shock, he punched me again, in the stomach. Hurled over in pain, he pushed me to the ground and threw himself on top of me. I fought him as he started trying to take my clothes off. His fist collided with my face again, slitting my lip open and he screamed as my nails left three claw marks across his face. He twisted my arm back in strange painful ways until I heard a snap. Pain surged through my body and I screamed in anger as Rob stole the last piece of my innocence.

Then I blacked out.

I regained consciousness as Rob's back tire ran over my arm and the wrist he'd already broken. My arm hurt up near my shoulder and I could feel the blood leaving my arm there.

Will had been the first to come home. He turned the corner in the drive to find his new step daughter half naked, covered in blood, crying on the ground in the front yard in the same place Rob had left me, shivering as the sun began to go down. He ran inside, grabbed a blanket, wrapped me in it, then lifter me up to carry to the car. As he buckled me into the passenger seat and did a U turn, another pair of headlights came towards us. When we passed, Jack turned and followed us until Will pulled over for him to get in. Jack's face was ghost white when he saw me. Will drove to the front steps of the emergency room and carried me in as Jack parked the car. A concerned nurse hurried towards us as I once again blacked out from the pain.

I'd woken up hours later to a flurry of people; Doctors, nurses, police officers, and family were all hurrying in and out of the room, asking questions, looking concerned, and crying. When I looked down, my body was clean, no longer caked in mud and a mixture of dry and fresh blood. I had bandages everywhere and I couldn't move my arm without it hurting. "I feel like hell,' I moaned.

"You don't look much better," Jack gave a weak, half-hearted smiled from the chair next to the hospital bed.

"How long have you been here?" I barely whispered.

"I haven't left your side since I parked Will's car," he said, worry in his green eyes. He looked exhausted, like a shell waiting for it's owner to return. "Except when they took you in for x-rays. They're gonna need to operate to set the bone and your wrist is shattered."

I shook my head as tears began to brim up at my eyes, "I'm so stupid," I cried.

"No," Jack took my hand, looking as if life had returned to the hollow man, "You were getting out, you were doing the right thing. This is not your fault and don't you ever let anyone tell you otherwise."

"But it is," I cried, "He hit me before, he burned me, why did I think he wouldn't do something when I break up with him?"

Jack took in a ragged breath, "It doesn't matter, he's the one who is wrong, not you." He sat there with me, holding my hand as I cried.

Will would have spent every penny he owned making sure Rob went to prison. He didn't have to, the evidence was so overwhelming that we didn't even have to go to trial, Rob's lawyer recommended he save his money and plea guilty in hopes of a lighter sentence.

But the copy of the Report Will made with the police department combined with the pain he'd caused me, including carving his name in my upper arm while I was passed out, got him the max sentence possible. After setting my arm with pins, it is shorter that the right and has multiple scar lines from the surgery. My wrist was beyond repair, I had to get a titanium replacement. It look me a month to learn how to use it and a year and a half to get use to it. Two years of therapy and tattoos to cover some of the scars helped me finally move past was happened.

David unintentionally brought those emotions back to me. For a brief second, I felt I was reliving that day, having hands I don't want touch my skin, feeling helpless and feeling sick. I never wanted to live that again.

I refused to be a victim again.


Sorry, it's difficult, but it helps Jenn's story make sense and why she is the way she is with guys.

I'm not going to do the whole "I need x number of ..." blah blah blah to post the next part, but it would be nice to get some comments, feedback, ect. Thanks :)

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