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"Kookie come on!" Jimin yells, gripping his best friends hand and dragging him along the sidewalk. Jungkook stood wide eyed and staring at the building. Large windows hold cages of floating glowing globes of a dozen different colours.
The stone bricks that held the building together seemed to glitter in the sunlight like they held small jewels and hidden treasure.
"Kookie your ice cream is melting!" Jimin takes the ice cream cone from the younger boys hand and licks away the drips for him. "I know you hate germs but you left me no choice, I did warn you".

Jungkook wasn't listening, his eyes were still glued to the fascinating store in front of him. "Chimmy, isn't it beautiful?" His tone was full of awe as he spoke, his gaze still lingering on the swarm of fireflies that hover by the entrance and the dragon head gas lamps that sit on either side of the wooden door.

"Yuppies, chocolate ice cream is so beautiful, I would marry it" the smaller boy smiles in admiration at his ice cream cone before taking another big lick.

Finally Jungkook drags his eyes from the store and over to his best friend. He rolls his eyes before hitting the other boys arm playfully "not the ice cream, the shop you idiot".

Jimin's eyebrows furrow as he rubs his arm, his eyes scanning the stone building in front of them. "Uhh, kookie I don't mean to be rude, but it's kinda ugly"

"What! How can you say that! Look at it, the sparkly stones, the crystal balls, the fireflies. Jimin it's stunning!" Jungkook points out the most mesmerising features of the storefront, however he could go on for ever picking out small pieces of the building that would cause any passerby jaw drop to the ground.

Jimin raised a brow looking at his best friend as if he were crazy. "Kookie come on let's go home, I think your just tired" the older boy takes Jungkook's hand in his own and they finally start to walk away.

"B-but it looks like magic" Jungkook whispers, taking one last lingering glance at the stain glass windows before turning his attention back to his best friend "I think you need glasses".

✧{12 years later}

Jungkook walks down the busy hallways of the school, he smiles at a few few people he passes before finally reaching his locker. Today is officially the last day of him being seventeen. In twenty four hours he would be an adult and free to do what he liked, the mere thought sent a burst of excitement through his body. No more lectures from his mother, no more 'I'm older therefore wiser' excuses from Jimin. He felt like he was on cloud 9, nothing could ruin his mood.

"Hey birthday boy!" A voice yells causing Jungkook to jump slightly but he quickly slaps a smile on his face when his eyes meet his best friend.

"Hello to you too" the younger boy laughs as he takes a few textbooks from his locker and stuffs them into his bag. "Oh and my birthday is tomorrow, so stop calling me birthday boy" with that, he slams his locker shut and walks by Jimin's side.

"Close enough" the blonde shrugs, linking his arm with Jungkook's. "soooo, it's exactly one month until prom, are you exited" Jimin's smile was huge, he had always been a fan of the end of year proms. He was always on the prom committee and made sure the whole night was amazing for all students. However Jungkook was rather the opposite. The mere thought of prom sent a wave of anxiety through his body.

"Honestly, no" he mumbles as they step into their classroom and take a seat.

"But it's our senior prom, our last ever one! Are you seriously not excited for it?" Jimin huffs, resting his head in the palm of his hand and watches as Jungkook rummages through his bag.

"No way, you know how much I hate prom. The whole night I just feel uncomfortable, and last year I only went for the food and even that was disappointing" the younger boy mutters, finally finding and pulling a blunt pencil out of his bag, a frown taking form on his features.

With a sigh Jimin gives Jungkook his own pencil before taking out another for himself "your no fun".

"So, who are you planning to ask? Yoongi?" He questions as he gratefully takes the sharp pencil from his best friends hands, tossing the blunt one back into his bag.

"Well I was hoping to go with you but a certain someone is being a pain in the ass about the whole thing" his words were harsh as he spoke causing the raven haired boy to roll his eyes slightly. He loved Jimin but he hated that he had to force Jungkook on a guilt trip every single time he didn't get his own way.

"I'm sorry Jimin I just don't want to go. Don't take it personally, I just don't love social situations that include dressing nice and dancing to really crappy music from like six years ago"
Jimin scowls at him, his arms crossed over his chest. Jungkook mentally braced himself for the lecture.

"First of all, we played BigBang and Exo last year-"

"Highlight of my night" the younger boy interrupts, snapping his mouth shut when receiving a killing glare from the blonde.

"Second of all you didn't even dress nice last year, you showed up in jeans and a shirt, you looked exactly how you do every single day".

Jimin did have a point. Jungkook had 'forgotten' to buy a suit for the prom, it was going to be his excuse not to go, however Jimin had rang him telling him to get his ass to the school before he came and dragged him there himself.

"Whatever, I can't go anyway I'm babysitting for my mother" Jungkook slumps down in his seat, stretching his legs out under the desk.

"Bullshit I know your mum is a total whore for prom night" Jimin mumbles, tearing his glaring eyes from his best friend and facing the front of the room.

"Yet another reason I hate prom night".

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