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Jungkook's mind was a whirlwind of questions the whole night. Although he had gotten around two hours of sleep, his mind had been awake the entire night. He dreamt about the shop and about the mysterious yet extremely intriguing man that worked there. The way he had set that card alight without lifting a finger.

Could I really be true? Was he warlock? He can't recall ever doing something out of the ordinary, well other than his over active imagination, he was pretty average. Not only that, his parents were about as mortal as you could get. He loved his parents but they were pretty boring, and were definitely not capable of creating a warlock.

If Jungkook was a warlock does that mean his brothers were? That would be a disaster.

Jungkook quickly shook the thoughts away. He was completely normal, a human and nothing more. The guy in the shop was obviously toying with him. However there was a little bit of him that secretly wished everything was true.

He groans before rolling over and getting up out of his comfy bed. His bare feet hit the cold wooden floor, the coolness seeping up throughout his body causing him to shiver and wrap his arms around his body.

Just by looking out of the window Jungkook could see that it was late in the afternoon. Perks of weekends. He hadn't slept much throughout the night so it was only right for him to spend the day in bed.

Trudging down the stairs he sees his father emerge from the living room, sending a smug look up at his son. He checks his wrist watch and grins "wow kookie, you surfaced at two pm, that's a new record"

Jungkook rolls his eyes as he reaches the bottom of the staircase, moving past his father and towards the kitchen. "I didn't get much sleep".

"I'm not suprised, you and Jimin ate that entire cake, you must have put yourselves in food comas" he laughs a little and Jungkook can't help but smile. He loved the fact that his father always seemed to be in a good mood, his mother on the other hand was not.

"Well good afternoon to you" she mutters, taking her attention away from washing to dishes and placing her hand on her hip. She raised a brow, watching as Jungkook scanned the kitchen cabinets for snacks.

He knew his parents were sharing a silent conversation behind his back but he chose to ignore it, knowing fine well that if he were to bring it up they would only deny it.
"Your father will be making dinner in an hour, do you really think it's a good idea to fill yourself up on sugar?"

Jungkook pauses, half a pop tart in his mouth as he looks at his mother and father. He could see that his dad was trying his very best not to laugh, however his mother looked rather annoyed.
"Mom, trust me, my stomach sounds like and erupting volcano, I'll eat ten of these and still be hungry" crumbs fall from his mouth as he spoke, shoving the rest of the chocolate pop tart into his mouth.

His mother only sighs before going back to the dishes meaning Jungkook could take the full box with him as he creeps over to the door. He places a finger over his mouth as he passes his father who responds with the gesture of zipping his lips earning a quick high five from Jungkook before he left the room and ran back upstairs.

He lets himself fall back onto his bed, dropping the pop tart box down on the mattress beside him.

Jungkook couldn't deny that he felt a strong urge to visit the shop again. Wanting to get a few more answers to his questions. But most of all, he wanted to see more magic. Maybe if he watched an hours worth of magic tricks he would finally allow himself to believe it was all real. He knew he had a strong imagination, however everything he had seen in that shop was far beyond anything his mind could create.

With a deep breath he pushes himself up off of his bed and towards his dresser. If he was going to revisit the shop he might as well do it sooner rather than later.


After promising his mother he would be back before dinner, he gently closed the front door and jogged down his front steps. He only had to take five steps down the road before he hears a voice calling his name causing him to manually curse but turn around with a kind smile nonetheless.

"Where are you going?" Jimin asks once he had caught up to his best friend, he seemed to be mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, not even bothering to look up at Jungkook.

He couldn't tell Jimin he was going back to the shop, he would go ballistic. But he also didn't want to lie.

When Jungkook doesn't answer, Jimin tears his gaze away from his phone to look at his friend "earth to Jungkook" snapping his fingers in front of the younger boys face causing him to jump back into reality.

"Oh, I'm going to pick up some ramen for my dad, we ran out and he needs it for dinner". It was rather frightening how easily a lie could slip off the tongue, it bothered Jungkook, but at the same time he was proud of how genuine he sounded.

"Oh, I'm heading to Yoongi's place to help him with homework. I'll walk with you" Jimin smiles and Jungkook feels his heart sink.

The closest convenience store was in the completely opposite direction of the magic shop, but he couldn't make Jimin suspicious.
Jungkook nods and smiles back at the blonde "okay"

The walk lasted around ten minutes, the whole time Jimin was rambling on about his prom plans. Of course Jungkook wasn't listening but he threw in the odd hum of agreement here and there to make it appear he was somewhat interested in what his friend was saying.

Finally they reach the convenient store, Jimin waves goodbye to his best friend before carrying on down the side walk. Jungkook stays in the store, watching out of the window as Jimin walks further and further away.
Once the blonde was nowhere in sight, he pulled the door open and sprinted in the opposite direction and towards the magic shop.

Magic shop; Taekook BTSWhere stories live. Discover now