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As Jungkook and Jimin make their way home, they pass by the younger boys favourite place. The store with the magical window displays and beautiful twinkling lights that line the door. Vines of ivy climb up the edges of the building, fireflies hover close by.

He had asked Jimin hundreds of times if he could see the magnificent shop but was always met with a head shake and a judging look.

A laugh causes Jungkook to tear his gaze away from the store, his eyes landing on his amused looking best friend "I seriously don't know what you find so fascinating about that piece of rubble" he mutters, shaking his head slightly as they carry on walking.

"If you could see it through my eyes you wouldn't be calling it a piece of rubble" he pushes Jimin, a smile playing on his lips as he watches the shorter boy stumble a little.

"Maybe you just have an overactive imagination" Jimin laughs as he regains his balance, shuffling alongside Jungkook.

"Hmm maybe".
Jungkook had learnt that it was better to just agree rather than to argue his point. He didn't want to come across more crazy than he already did.

They turn onto their street and stand in the middle of the road for a moment. They lived opposite each other, which was a bonus when they were younger. They would sit in their bedroom windows, walki talki in hand and they would stay up all night chatting away. As they got older the walki talkie's were replaced with phones, and the phone calls were replaced with a quick snapchat spam of ugly selfies before they fell asleep.

"This is the last time I'll be seeing you as a seventeen year old" Jimin reaches his hand up to his face to wipe away a fake tear.
Jungkook scoffs slightly but laughs at his friends childish behaviour.

"Shut up you weirdo"

"Omigod kookie!" Jimin grips onto the younger boys shirt, a pained expression on his face "you won't be able to do Hansol's shining diamond rap anymore".
The fake sobbing began once again and Jungkook turns on his heel, heading towards his house.

"Bye!" He yells, stifling any laughter. Jimin was practically knelt in the middle of the road, still pretending to sob his heart out.

"My baby boy is growing up too fast!" He wails, a few dogs start to bark at the sound.

"Get inside now, your causing a scene!" Jungkook was yelling from his front door, being just as loud and annoying as Jimin.

Suddenly they hear a car horn and the blonde jumps to his feet and runs onto the pavement, apologising to the car as it passed by.
"Your so embarrassing" the raven haired boy laughs earning a glare from Jimin.

"Whatever, I'll see you tomorrow" with that, Jimin gave his best friend one last wave before running into his house and closing the door, Jungkook doing the same.

As soon as he steps foot into the house his nose is instantly filled with the beautiful aroma of food cooking. His dad was definitely home.

Unlike most households, Jungkook's dad was the chef. The only thing his mother could make was toast, and even that always ended up on the crispy side.

"I'm home!" He yells, making his way into the living room and throwing himself onto the couch. He grabs the remote and flicks through the channels.

"Hey I was watching that!" An annoyingly high pitched voice yells as a hand reaches up to snatch the controller. Jinsoo, 1/2 of his eleven year old twin brothers that were spawned by the devil himself. His other bother, junho, was too busy whining to his mother about something in the kitchen, if he wasn't so busy he would have been straight in here to join the argument.

Magic shop; Taekook BTSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang