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Jungkook bolts upright in bed when he feels a body drop on top of his own. He lets out a small yelp, hearing the muffled giggles coming from the boy lying on top of him.

Jungkook sighs in relief "Jimin how the fuck did you get in my house?" He asks, rubbing sleep from his eyes, squinting around the room to shield his sensitive eyes from the light that peaked through the window.

"Your mother let me in, told me to wake you up" Jimin says, sitting up and resting his legs on either side of the younger boys body. He was practically straddling him.

"Your heavy get off" Jungkook pushes the blonde causing him to fall back into another fit of giggles.

"I guess you don't want your birthday present then" with that Jimin jumps off the bed and runs from the room, a neatly wrapped gift hid behind his back.
Quickly Jungkook throws the covers off and runs after him, almost falling down the stairs in the process.

"Park Jimin get back here right now!" He yells, running from room to room to try and catch his best friend. Sadly Jimin had shorter legs meaning it wasn't long till Jungkook caught up to him, pulling the older boy into a hug.

Jimin tried to stop his giggles as he pushes Jungkook away "okay okay here, happy birthday kookie" he holds out a square shaped package, neatly wrapped in brown paper and topped with a shimmery silver bow.

Carefully the younger boy takes the gift and begins to tear through the paper. His eyes widen slightly when he spots the beautiful leather bound book, the gold trim that ran around the edge made it look like it was glowing each time it caught the light. He flips it open, the pages were tinted brown with age and the perfect cursive writing was in English. Beautiful illustrations dotted the corners of the page.

"I know it's just an old fairytales book, but it make me think of you when I saw it, I'll buy you something better later" Jimin rushes, his hands fidgeting slightly.

Jungkook slowly shook his head, his eyes meeting his best friends. "Jimin it's beautiful. I love it thank you" he carefully placed the book down before engulfing his best friend into another hug.

"Kookie, we have a surprise for you in the kitchen" the sound of his mothers voice rings through the house and the two boys pull apart before making their way to the dimly lit kitchen.
A cake sat in the middle of the table, eighteen lit candles stood proudly on top.
"Happy birthday!" His parents yell, causing the two still half asleep twins to jump slightly at the noise.

"Go ahead, blow them out make a wish" his father nods towards the cake causing Jungkook to take a few steps closer.

He closes his eyes tightly, wishing for the same thing he wished for each ear. For people to believe him.
He takes in a deep breath before blowing all of the candles out in one go. His family erupt into cheers and Jungkook can't help but break out into a smile.

"Kookie go get dressed! We're going out" Jimin says, pushing the younger boy in the direction of the stairs but he grips onto the door frame.

"But what about the cake?" He whines, his eyes still glued to the two tier Belgium chocolate cake that sat on the table.

"No! Your not having chocolate cake for breakfast, you can have some later" his mother says, placing the cake into the refrigerator. Jungkook sees his twin brothers deflate slightly and slump in their seats, obviously having the same idea as him.

He groans as he allows Jimin to push him towards the stairs once again "I'll wait outside".

And with that, Jungkook trudges up the crooked wooden stairs of his house and back towards his room.


"Where are we going?" Jungkook asks as they continue to walk through the large mall. They had stopped at a bakery on the way and Jimin had got a cupcake for them each since they weren't allowed the cake earlier.

"We're meeting Yoongi and Hoseok at the arcades, I was thinking we could have a game of lazer tag" Jimin smiles brightly when he sees a look of excitement appear on his friends face.

Jungkook loved laser tag. He wouldn't say he was amazing at it but he loved the atmosphere and suspense he felt when playing. The way everything glowed bright neon colours under the fluorescent lighting. He loved it all.

"Yas! Jimin your the best!" Jungkook gives his best friend a big bunny smile before pulling him into a bone crushing hug. The shorter boy tries to pull free from his strong grip but gives up when he came to the conclusion that Jungkook had too much muscle for Jimin to compete with.

They finally make it to the arcade and instantly the sound of the loud music fills their ears, the scent of cheap pizza fills their noses. Despite the pizza here being cheap and pretty tasteless Jungkook would happily devour a whole twelve inch all to himself.

The two boys make their way over to the laser tag and see their two friends waiting for them. Hoseok jumps up from where he had been sat and pulls Jungkook into a huge hug "happy Birthday Jungkookie!" He yells and the younger boy swore he had just gone deaf.

He laughs once they pull away from the hug "thank you" he says as a glittering blue gift bag was thrust towards him.
"I thought I told you not to get me anything" he mutters although couldn't hide the smile on his lips as he peers into the bag anyway.

"It's not much, but I couldn't not get you anything" Hoseok laughs, brushing his floppy red hair from where it hung over his face.

Jungkook pulls out a large jumper and examines the front, his smile spreading even more as he sees what was printed on it. "Gee thanks hyung" he giggles with an eye roll but pulls the jumper over his head nonetheless.

Jimin laughs at the picture on the front. It was a photo they had taken of Jungkook last year when they had gone on a camping trip. Let's just say the photograph wasn't very flattering.

"Happy Birthday" a deep voice says and Jungkook turns to see Yoongi stood with a small box wrapped in metallic gold paper and topped with a sparkling silver ribbon.

"No hug?" Jungkook raises a brow watching how Yoongi rolls his eyes, a smile playing on his lips as he brings the younger boy into a hug. "Thank you hyung!"

They pull apart and he untied the ribbon before tearing into the paper. He carefully opens up the box and his eyes widen at what he saw inside. It was a sapphire with his initials carved into it. It was beautiful.

"Jimin told me you like that kind of stuff, and since you were born in September I thought I would get you a sapphire" Yoongi explains and Jungkook looks up with a bright smile.

"I love it! Thank you so much" now it was his turn to pull the older boy into a big hug, ignoring the protests that came from him.

"Okay losers, lets play laser tag. Whoever scores the lowest buys lunch" Jimin announces before skipping over to the laser tag desk.

They each get given their vests and a gun. The worker goes over the rules with them before they all head off into the dimly lit cave and emerge on the other side in the large neon maze.

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