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As soon as Jungkook stepped into the store his jaw fell the ground. Cages of multicoloured birds hung from every inch of the ceiling, each cage made of gold and each one ornate and beautiful.

The left wall was filled with a giant book shelf, a thin layer of dust covering the delicate leather covers.
There was a strong smell of incense mixed with age and Jungkook found it oddly addictive.

In the corner of the room was a large cauldron and Jungkook peers in to see a deep purple liquid bubbling away, a cloud of glowing smoke rising and curing in the air. "Woah" he breaths, not fully being able to take this all in.

"Wow took you long enough to come in the shop"
Jungkook jumps and spins around when he hears the deep voice.

A man, no older than twenty, stood behind an ornate wooden counter, his head rested in his hand, a smirk present on his perfect plump lips. His dark hair hung over his eyes slightly making him look even more attractive.

"Um...excuse me?" Jungkook says, still not sure how the guy had appeared out of nowhere, or had he been there the whole time and Jungkook was just too distracted to notice?
Nah, he would never have missed a face like that.

"I see you each and everyday walk past the store, I know you can see it yet you never made any attempts to come in" his voice sent shivers down Jungkook's spine and he looks away, trying to pin his focus on anything but the extremely attractive man.

"So not everyone can see it? I assumed I was just mad" he mumbles, moving closer to the book shelves and trying his hardest to read the titles on the spines however most seemed to be written in Latin.

"Only witches and warlocks can see this shop"

At this Jungkook's entire body freezes. Only witches and worlocks?
"Then why can I see it?" He asks carefully, his gaze drifting back to the mysterious man.

"You must be a worlock". The way he said it was as if it were the most simple thing in the world although Jungkook refused to believe it.

He laughs bitterly as he moves to a crystal ball and places his hand against the cold surface. The crystal turns a deep blood red before fading out into a rosy pink. "So what is this? Special affects or something?" Now he was just point blank refusing to believe any of this was real. This was all too fantastic for it to be real. Nothing as beautiful as this existed in this world.

"Does it look like special affects?" The mans tone was now bored as he kept his gaze on Jungkook, wandering around the shop and trying to take everything in at once.

"Well, no but isn't that the point of special affects?" The nervous laugh he lets out didn't go unnoticed by the man. He could see that Jungkook didn't know whether this was or real or it was just his imagination.

"I can prove to you that it's real"

Jungkook spins to look back over at the man and slowly made his way over to the counter."okay" he watches as the man stands to his full height and noticed he was pretty similar to him in hight, he didn't know why he was expecting him to be taller.

The man smirks and lifts a deck of cards in front of Jungkook's face "pick a card"

He scoffs slightly with an eye roll "are you kidding me? Even my dad can do this trick" he raises a brow but the expression on the mans face doesn't change.
"Fine" he reluctantly reaches out and picks a card.

"Which card did you choose" the man asks and Jungkook looks down. This wasn't a normal deck of cards, this was a set of tarot cards. He had seen theses before when him and Jimin had visited a fortune teller at a carnival last year. It was fake and overpriced as she told him he was going to end up with a beautiful girl, that definitely wasn't going to happen.

"The devil" he mutters, turning the card around in his fingers to show the man.
His smirk grows larger and suddenly the card bust into flames.

Jungkook jumps back, watching the red flames rise into the air and swoop down towards him before they could touch and scorch the ceiling. Suddenly the flames stop only mere inches from Jungkook's face causing him to shake in fear. Strangely he couldn't feel any heat coming from the flames.

A face with horns emerges from the flames and Jungkook falls back with a yelp, his elbow smacking off of one of the shelves on his way down. The fire evaporates into a cloud of smoke and the card that he had picked comes fluttering to the ground, landing soundlessly in front of the trembling boy.

"U-um, t-that was...impressive." He grabs the card and jumps back to his feet, handing the card back over to the man as he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. "I-I just remembered that I have to be home early, m-my mother needs me to babysit...bye!" He stutters, turning and making his way over to the door, accidentally walking into a vase of wildflowers which he instantly steadied before it could crash to the ground.

As soon as he was out of the shop he lets out a breath of relief, his eyes moving to scan the beautiful building once again. "That was amazing".


When Jungkook gets home he can already see Jimin sat on his doorstep, arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face. As soon as he spots Jungkook making his way up the drive way he jumps to his feet and storms over. "Where have you been!"

Jungkook was a little shocked, he had never seen Jimin so furious in all his life. "You know where I was, in the shop"

Jimin scoffs and laughs bitterly "no you weren't, I went in looking for you, you were nowhere to be seen so where did you go?" He raises a brow and waits for an answer, his expression didn't seem to be softening.

"You went looking for me? You went into the shop?" Jungkook's eyes were wide in shock. Had Jimin seen it finally. After all these years of calling Jungkook crazy, did Jimin now believe him.

"No, I went into the abandoned building to try and save your ass, but you weren't there"
Jungkook deflated at this, his shoulders sagging and his gaze drifting to the floor. Obviously Jimin still didn't believe him.

"I'm sorry" his voice was quite as he drags his eyes back up to meet Jimin's "I went for a little walk, when I went into the building there was nothing in there, it was just..." Jimin's face softened slightly "...rubble. I was a little disappointed so I went for a walk to clear my head. I didn't mean to make you mad".

The blonde sighs loudly before wrapping his arms around Jungkook and pulling him close, resting his chin on his shoulder "I wasn't mad kookie, I was just worried" he rubs his back comfortingly and Jungkook can't help but smile slightly.
"How about we go and eat that chocolate cake before your bratty little brothers devour it" he pulls away, his usual mischievous smirk back on his lips.

And just like that it was as if nothing happened.

"Of course I do, come on" Jungkook smiles and grabs Jimin's hand as they run up the front steps and through his front door.

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