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*The chapters with this message are ones that were wrote in my previous journal, and were copied and pasted into this journal*
I feel like this whole thing is surreal.

I'm becoming a God/Goddess

Yes, that's just a title, but damn.

A God/Goddess

Since I was raised(I'd like to think I'm mature now) with Christian "beliefs" I've only ever believed in one god, God.

Some Christians aren't exactly...  Open to the idea there could be more out there..  So I was raised thinking there was only one god who made everything, even me.


I'm just saying when you think about that,

No single-being could have the ability to make EVERYTHING.

People have parts to play, and together they make something great.

And I suppose that's how the universe was made. A group of beings before this realm was made teamed up and decided to make this universe. I just find that remarkable.

I don't know what powers I may have, if any at all. But I feel like I'm ready to take on this responsiblity and title.

I may have much to learn, but I'll make the best of what I have.

And that includes you guys.

Don't fight with each other.

It will lead to ugly things.. 

And we don't want that now, do we?

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