Busy, busy, busy.

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Oof yeah I've been VERY busy over the last month. I apologize in advance if this happens again. Now I'll just try to go over what's been happening in life whilst offline.

So, I was in a musical recently and that went great! It was The Little Mermaid with scripts from Broadway(even though we were performing it as a Highschool) and every show got sold out so we had to add another night for a show, which also sold out!

I'm in Chorus, but also have a few minor parts so I'm usually in the background but I share a song with a handful of wonderful peeps but I'm sad since I won't be able to see them as often now since, well, the show is over. There's a cast potluck sometime in December and I'll probably see everyone there, so no worries!

Uhh the other musical I'm in has opening night on the same day as my choir concert, and since I'm in the opening scene(long story short, if one of the people in the opening scene is gone then three others have to be taken off because of symmetry) and since the concert is graded I literally can't miss it and they both start at the same time ;-;   Time for a stressed out Castiel~  I'll work through it though, no worries.

Hmm- other things have happened, but I don't feel it's my position to write about them. I suppose that's all for now!! See ya 👋

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