Fragments From The Past

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It's been 3 weeks since Issei joined the club. Rias has taken a liking to him.The sports club has been asking constantly for him to play soccer for them and he has been playing for them.

Old School building

"And I'm back President "said Issei coming in the room.
" Don't you think it's unfair for you to play with humans " asked Rias
" Don't worry, I'm restraining myself so it may be a fair game, this is soccer after all "said Issei sitting on the sofa
"And what is that supposed to mean" asked Rias tilting her head slightly. Issei laughed and started to explain
"I would rather die than try to take advantage of my abilities in a game, 1 the game would be easy, 2 if the game is easy then it would be boring and 3 I respect my opponents for agreeing to play us" Rias smiled and said
"I guess that explains why the school team lost one game out of 3 "
" You see I didn't utilize my dragon power and the game was interesting, intense and fun even though we lost " said Issei with a wider smile. Akeno, Kiba, Koneko and Asia walked in and greeted Issei and Rias stood up and said
"Now then lest start talking about behind the scenes matters,there have been some dead priest found in the area and we need to investigate if this carries on the Angel's will look to us"

Time skip to end of  meeting

"Asia go on ahead I'll catch up with you" said Issei. Asia left and Issei started talking.
"Regarding the matter we discussed, how many priest have been killed"
"more than 4 "Rias said with a serious look
" but Issei you don't have to worry about this since your not a devil"
"No its fine I promise to help didn't I"
RING RING Issei phone rang he picked up the phone
"Asia I'll be there soon " said Issei
"no help Issei please I'm being chased by a priest he is about to..... " said Asia with fear and fatigue in her voice and she was about to finish and the phone when quiet
"I'll be there soon " Issei said quickly putting his phone in his pocket.
" What's wrong Issei" asked Rias
"Asia has been taken by a priest, where is the nearest church " asked Issei with worry in his voice. Rias took out a map and pointed to and area
" There it is but Issei I don't think you should go alone"
"Sorry President but I'm getting Asia back " he shouted as he ran out the door
" Issei stoooop!! "Rias shouted
" Everyone prepare to fight we will be going to support him "said Rias
" " " Yes President " " "Akeno kiba and koneko

Old church

Issei landed infront of the church but as he was about to run towards the door but
an explosion pushed him back. It came from a blonde girl with frilly hair
" no no no there is important business in there and you not getting through, unless you can beat me, the best fallen angel Mitelt" mitelt said playfully while flying. Issei eyes became dragon eyes and they started slightly glowing green and blue. Mitelt naticed this and called for reinforcement
"Where is Asia" asked Issei shaking with anger
"Not telling " Mitelt said with a smile and immediately Issei disappeared from where he was standing and appeared in mid air in front of Mitelt. Bammmmmm
Before Issei could connect his fist he was shot down be a spear.
"Donahseek, Kalwarner" Mitelt said rejoicing
"he should be dead " the man in a cloack named Donahseek
" Tell me where she is "Donahseek looked at Issei and was surprised to see that Issei stopped the spear before it connected to his face
" what how did you survive, oh I get it  you were pushed by the force of the spear and not the spear it's self, your pretty quick kid " said Donahseek laughing. Issei didn't reply and was surprised to see the Gremory teleport magic circle and Rias appeared along with Koneko and Kiba and lastly Akeno in a shrine maidens outfit
" Kiba Koneko get Issei inside and help him recover Asia "said Rias
Upon here saying that Koneko and Kiba followed Issei into the Church.
" That useless boy thought that he could raid this church alone how stupid are your sevents "said Donahseek
"He is not useless he is actually quiet powerful " said Rias with a small smile
"Oh please Gremory we saw him he is just a joke" said Donahseek
"Yes totally I'm sure that you are only keeping him like he is a stray dog" said Mitelt laughing along with Donahseek and Kalwarner
"He is not a joke " Rias said with her aura pouring out of her
" look at what you have done, I didn't even get a chance to attack, well whoopsie on you "said Akeno laughing. Before the Fallen angels could react there was a big flash and screaming and silence followed by falling feathers.

Inside old church

" hello there devils I'm the priest of this establishment Freed Selzin "said a man with white hair in a priest outfit
" Can you tell me where Asia is " Issei asked
"Yeah sure why not that little whore is under where I'm standing now but to get to her your gonna have to get through me" said Freed taking out a light sword and gone. He started shooting at Issei but Issei caught them all
"Thanks for telling me where Asia is but I will hurt you badly for calling her a whore" Issei said crushing the bullets. He charged at Freed and charged at him with his sword. Issei dodged the sword and grazed freeds hip. Before freed could recover Koneko threw a bench at him, he dodged and was met by kiba who slashed at him with a sword, Freed blocked the sword with his sword and shot Koneko, Koneko blocked the bullets with another bench. Freed found his footing and Issei connected a punch to his hip and the a kick to his face sending him flying to the Alter of the church. He got up and took out two small balls and said
"I'll be damned if I would be killed by devils,i got broken ribs thanks to you boy so I'll be taking my leave but don't worry I'll be back to kill you"
Said freed throwing the small flashbangs
"I should have broken his jaw" Issei said rubbing his eyes
Koneko walked to the Alter and kicked it, breaking it apart and it revealed stairs

Underneath the church

There were soo many priest down there and a giant cross glowing green and tied to that cross was Asia
"Asia!!!!! " shouted Issei. Asia slowly opened her eyes and smiled weakly and then said softly
" I knew you would come Issei "
" Yeah hold on I'll be there now" Issei said smiling


Sup guys it is Mickey sorry that this might be disappointing I did it in a rush. Hope you enjoy and comment if I can improve
I'm out

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