Fragments of the past

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Issei entered the room full of priests and Asia was up on the the stairs. Issei ran towards the priests and he ran through them leaving bodies in his wake. Koneko and Kiba supported him and then he reached Asia and he picked  her up.
"Hey Asia stay with me" said Issei carrying Asia in his arms bridal style
"Thanks a lot Kiba and Koneko " said Issei running

IN the Church

Issei put Asia on a bench
"Hey Asia what's wrong,tell me where you were hit" said Issei
"No don't worry I'll be fine" Asia said with a weak smile
"Draig check her,use my aura if you have to" after staying that Issei's red aura covered Asia
(Partners her sacred gear is missing) said draig surprised.Isseis eye's narrowed and he quickly asked Asia
"Who did this to you Aura?"
"Don't worry it's gonna be alright"

" What was that?"asked Issei Rias appeared and said
" That was an explosion from the the school I've dealt with the ones outside and it seems more have appeare at the school so I will be heading there"
"I'll come along in a few minutes have to help" Rias left along with kiba, Akeno and kaneko. Issei was now alone with Asia he picked her up and started to walk to the exit
" Draig, Albion keep Asia alive until I get there" Issei said with fury in his voice and his Dragon eye's glowing

Kuo Academy

Issei approached the school with a barrier a round it he tore the space infront of him and stepped in .

Dimensional gap

There was a giant red dragon inside the space it oppen it's mouth
" So she is without sacred gear meaning she will die I was fond of her and judging by your eyes someone is gonna die today"
"Was there a need for you a point that out" Issei asked as he opened another tear and stepped in

kuo Acadamy sport field

Issei  stepped out and what the saw shocked him for a moment Kiba had a new looking sword but he was passed out, Koneko was hurt badly, Akeno and Rias looked in bad shape and there was a girl with blue hair on one knee next to a blue sword but when he saw the man with black hair and 5 pairs of wings and q lady with black hair and 3 pairs of wings his anger re-ignited but this time it was more than last time.The two fallen angels were shocked when they saw Issei.The female said
"Wait a minute you are suppose to be dead and that nun too" Isseis eyes showed further shock as he said
"You two again why did you take Asia's scared gear and why did you come after me 10 year's ago" asked Issei. The female stepped forward and rings appeared and the glowed green which pissed Issei off but he restrained himself and he waited for an answer
"Well regarding the nun I just fell in love with the way her scared worked Twilight healing and as for your problem you had a sacred gear that would cause problems in the future so you had to be eliminates " Isseis face darkened even more
"Oh so you wiped out my village just for the "
"Sorry but all I remember is killing you the rest just have been your fault "the female fallen angel Raynare said laughing
"Alright you were after the scared gear but you know what I'll do you one better "after Issei said that the boosted gear appeared which caused Raynare and be panter to be shocked Raynare took a step back with fear all over her face but she regained herself when she looked at her partner Kokabeil
" Oh so still not enough the get a load of this" i'mmedially aftersaying that the energy wings appeared which made Raynare cowar Issei went on and said
"I've been restraining myself trying not to scare my newly made friends but I won't hold back anymore so give Asia back her sacred gear"
"Sorry but no "Raynare answered with a smile
"Well that's too bad" after he said that he was sudden in a crater

BOOST  the sound echoed and Issei disappeared from the spot and hit Raynare with a uppercut sending her flying and then he jumped up an followed her and hit her with an over head kick directly on top on her head sending he to the ground putting her in a crater barely conscious Issei landed next to the crater and  he walked over to a bench to put down Asia
"Albion try taking the place of her missing sacred gear"
{Ok partner but you won't be able to use me or Draig} said Albion
"It's alright I dont need you" said Issei, he walked over into the crater and he broke Raynares wings then arms then legs this shocked all the people present (not including Kokabeil ) because the all knew Issei as a caring person

"You better not move while I deal with your boss" he said that to Raynare and he walked over to the blue haired then picked up the sword as if it were paper,its aura raged but quickly calmed and condensed and covered the sword.Issei  then ran to Kokabeil at blinding speed and he cut off Kokabeils wings
"I really did hate those black wing's " Kokabeil kicked Issei back and Issei fixed his grip on the sword and the sword started gather aura and he slashes the air and sent a pillar of light trowards Kokabeil which cut his hair and took his arm
"Ahhhhh" Kokabeil shouted in pain and Issei just looked at him with expressionless face
"I won't miss this time and now its Time for you to die" Issei sending another pillar of light towards Kokabeil

Duplicate  the sound echoed and the barrier broke
Duplicate  and a black silvery amour jumped infront infront the pillar of light and it was reduced to nothing

(I think thats enough) the voice came from above and it was an exact duplicate of the amour that was destroyed by Issei
(I would like to take him with me)
"The ancient Dragon what us he doing here"

What's good guy's another chapter and I hope you enjoyed
Correct me where I messed up
Peace out

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