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After the rating game
Dimensional gap
Currently there are a few people gathered on a platform that in a white space

"Oi Amaterasu your husband seems to be going well even though he hasn't found his sword"

said a handsome looking young man with long black,silky hair.
"Susanoo Ise will find his destined sword,just wait"

replied a black haired woman with a buxom figure.
"To think that we would all meet here,and talk as companions all because of that kid,it is quite the spectacle"

said an old man with a long beard and one eye.Susanoo Laughed and said
"Hahaha yes indeed,we used to quarrel over who has the most powerful"

to which Amaterasu retorted and said
"You teo may have been that way but the rest of us were dignified and even had chats every now and then"

More gods walked in and they were all seated on a table.There was laughter and chatter until a rip in the space appeared,Byakko and great red walked out and also took a seat and a screen behind them showed the fight between Issei and Riser.Odin then asked Great Red

"Who told him to use those forms,surely he would have finished the fight without even using balance breaker"

"I told him to reveal his cards but not all of them"

"That little kid then decided to reveal those two forms just from you saying that"

"He did not plan on revealing Boosted possession,this is why I called the meeting"

Amaterasu knew what Great Red was about to say and she decided to say it

"One of the seals on Issei have broken and it caused his time in divine possession to run out"

"As expected from his wife and caretaker,indeed it is as Amaterasu has said because of what happened the seal has been broken,meaning that a requirement has been met, we have no clue of what the requirements are but it seems that his mother had her for putting these requirements in and we all know those requirements don't we"

Zeus then asked Byakko

"What was the outcome of their recent battle"

"It ended in a draw when both were limited to physical attack and minimal magic use"

"If we let Issei stay with the devils how long will he stay before he decides to leave"

Hera asked,And the question silenced everyone,only Great red and Amaterasu had spoken

""We don't know""

Great red then said

"It seems like his time is nearly up,2 more years and *it* will happen,"

Amaterasu had a grim and solemn look and said

"If only that fallen angel hadn't intervened then Issei would have joined the gods long ago,his mother put great care into making him and Issei came out a perfect design with the opposing powers in complete harmony"

"It seems that his actions may make *it* happen sooner"

"What *them*  have they moved yet Great Red"

"No it seems that Issei hasn't attracted them yet but if he does it may spell the end of this dimension"

"We will try and stop them at costs!!!"

"Calm down Zeus I am Great Red and I am undefeatable"

"I thought that you were not allowed to intervene"

"I'm not allowed but I will make sure that the dimension isn't destroyed or conquered"

Everyone else laughed while Byakko and Amaterasu put their hands on their faces, Great Red was lost Zeus the said

"Seems that issei is rubbing off on you,for a second there I thought that you would break the rules and stop them"

"I will never be like that idot"

Said Great Red fuming,Amaterasu laughed and said

"You were tamed by his mother so I'm sure that you will be like him"

"Amaterasu your one to talk,your man will be stolen away from you by those new girls,virgin girl"

Great Red said with steam coming out of his ears,Amaterasu smiled devilishly and said

"Issei lived with me years and I've taught him how to avoid being seduced,Isseis lip technique can bring any woman so much pleasure that she loses feeling in her leg's"

Byakko smirked and said in a taunting voice

"I'm still surprised that a virgin like you knows how to teach anothers"

Susanoo then added

"I'm still surprised that she is still calm after seeing Issei kiss another female"

Odin also added

"Heck I'm still surprised that she is a virgin"

Amaterasu then shouted with a bright pink face

"No man is worthy but Issei"

Hera then tried to stop everything

"So do we let Issei stay?"

To which everyone replied to by saying yes.Byakko suddenly laughed and everyone looked at him

"I'm surprised that all the gods here actually agree,and who would have thought that we would freely speak to great red and actually having a laugh like this,all this thanks to someone from a different dimension and her son"

Everyone just smiled while Zeus still was still in the process of thinking,he then asked

"Who taught Amaterasu her skills with her lips?"

Hera was about to slap slap him but she then stopped and looked at Amaterasu like everyone else had done.Amaterasu's face reddened and she started fidgeting

"I..Ise..Ise's mom"


Everyone chins hit the table,Great Red while in shock said

"Huh she sang both ways"

"No she didn't, this was just because I wasn't experienced and I asked her for help"

Great Red then stood up and staggered towards the rip he made while everyone was deep in though he just said

" meeting ajj ah just go home please"

It's been I don't know how long since I've last been on this book and I do apologise for those who actually like it since I know how it feels to wait for something that doesn't seem to be coming,I had a few accidents and later on got my stuff stolen,I've yet to get all of it back but I decided to do this and see if people are still interested or if I should just scrap this,regardless I'll try to get as many chapters done before I make a decision
I hope you have been  well and I hope you enjoy

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