Phoenix vs Dragon Preparations

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(ORC Clubroom)

"Ok now Issei explain yourself" Issei was currently being interrogated by Rias
"What exactly are you looking for" Issei asked with a smug look thinking he was free
"Those Phoenix wings" Rias asked causing Issei to stop smiling
(If I may ask partner,what was the point of that)Ddraig asked Issei via mental link
'I don't know I thought the look would throw her off'
"Well Buchou the thing is I can't disclose the people who have me these wings are because I've sworn an oath not to tell a living soul an out their home.Before you ask ,No this does not make me Phoenix,these are sort of like trophie wings for completing their training of mastering fire,with these I gain abit more protection and abit more control over flames though these are temporary,in a year they shall disappear" said Issei.Rias thought about what else she wanted to know and asked
"Why did you disappear for a time"
"It was my dad he told me about surprise training sessions and this time I needed to meet with an opponent which I was supposed be on the same level as and he pays me to spar him "
"Ok so why did you decide to fight off Risers entire peerage"
"I don't know it just happened,and the reason I stepped in was because this was the only way to guarantee I'm in and by the looks of what you,the maid and Phoenix were talking about it seemed to be fixed and all 3 of you knew the outcome,no offence but you couldn't beat Phoenix because of the traits he has as a phoenix"
"This doesn't guarantee that you will win" said Rias.Issei stood up and stood infront of her
"C'mon Buchou where is the faith,I'll even tell you a secret,I was holding back a lot against Kokabeil" this left Rias stunned and blushing.Issei then walked to Asia.He hugged her.Rias didn't like it but all she could do was glare,Asia blushed wildly.Issei then whispered in her ear
"Asia what I'm about to say will shock you but you can lean on me and cry."Issei said ,everyone in the room turned serious as they all knew what Issei was about to say was no joke
"Asia old beardo is I mean ...ummm.God is dead" Issei said tightening his grip on her.Asia stopped smiling and her irises shrank,tears swelled in her eyes.The rest of the club couldn't say anything.She passed out in Issei arm's
"I knew this would happen so I hugged her to bring her comfort" said Issei with a sad expression as he brushed the top of Asia's head.Then suddenly Issei shouted
"Ok enough with the Grim look,Asia is gonna be fine,Now what's the plan for the next 10 days" Issei got happier as Rias said what they would do

(Somewhere in the mountains)

"Lets go slow pokes,do I need to carry you all?" Said Issei as he stood at the summit look in down on everyone.He had a large bag on his back.
"How are you soo energetic Issei" said Rias slightly panting with Akeno and Asia next to her who seemed to be completelyout of breath.Further down the hill Koneko and Kiba were also carrying bags.Kiba's bag was the same size as Isseis but Koneko's bag was twice as big as Isseis.Issei ran down and stood next to Rias,Akeno and Asia
"So you guys need me to carry you?" They were all stunned and when they were stunned when they heard next
"Nah you know what,this will do you good."Issei said as he ran back up.Then he stopped
"Oh your question.This bag is a feather compared to what I had to go through in my training"and Rias asked.
"Who trained you Issei"
"I told you,The gods" Issei said
"Can you remind me again"
"Maybe later,but for now I'll see you up there" Issei smiled and ran up and Rias pouted, she turned to her right and asked Asia
"Do you know Asia"
"No I would like to know,when we met he said he was done with it all,so I'm also curious"
"It's not nice to keep secrets Issei!!" Akeno shouted
"Buchou I'm going after him, hey Issei wait up!!" Kiba shouted as he chased him.Koneko just walked faster.
"They seem to be full of energy" Akeno smiled

(On top of Mountain)

Issei and the friends were current infront of a large mansion
"This mansion belong to the House of Gremory" Rias said as they walked inside.They put their bags in the living room.The girls went upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes.
"I will also get changed" Kiba went into one of the rooms to change
"Don't peek " Kiba said popping his head out the room.At that moment everything in Isseis mind stopped to think for a split second and he had a look of slight discuss and he answered
"Sorry but I don't swing that way"
"I was kidding Issei"
"Yeah you better be kidding,the rumour are hard enough to deal with and if the girls knew it would be chaos.The pairing of you and me" Issei said shivering and sweat dropped from both their heads.Issei changed into a black vest and his tracksuit bottoms.And then looked then started stretching
"Lets start the training"

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