Phoenix vs Dragon

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Training  day 2
"Ok Kiba come at me and you one on one" Issei said to Kiba holding wooden sword.Xenovia also had one while Koneko,Rias and Akeno just watched along with Asia holding Byakko in her arms
"Ok Issei" Kiba said charging at Issei.Issei and Kiba were instantly locked in close range combat with a flurry of strikes
Constant strikes,fakes, it was a battle of speed and technique,Issei was on the defensive failing to keep up with Kibas speeds and finally the battle ended with a loss for Issei because his sword was knocked out of his hands
"After 10 minutes of defending it became too much for me" Issei said laughing
"Pant pant if it had gone on without a break I would have lost" Kiba said catching his breath
"I'm more of a hand to hand guy and without abit of help from Albion or Byakko,I'm pretty much useless in a sword fight,though my technique is good enough to defend" said Issei
"You need to get you stamina up abit more,your speed did increase abit, do that more often and you will finish me in a sword fight within minutes" said Issei picking up the wooden sword again
"Xenovia c'mon gimme all you got" the moment he said that Xenovia came at him with speed
"I didn't mean immediately" Issei said narrowly dodging
"First attack wins and plus I'm more likely to land a hit when you least expect it" Xenovia said charging again,And Issei had a sweat drop from his head.Their battle was on of power against power,They charged at each other made contact a few times and separated again. It went on for quiet for 3 minutes and then Issei ended it with simple leg sweep
"Xenovia you need to have technique,if you were to face Kiba, you would lose by a narrow margin and if you were to go up against someone with more power you would definitely lose"Issei said and Xenovia pouted and said
"No need to be blunt" she the puffed her chest
"Durandal can not be surpassed and technique can be crushed by power"
"Wrong, yesterday I was practically fighting with wood yet I won" Replied Issei,Xenovia pouted and looked away

Training session 2

"Yeah this is my more my style"Issei shouted, he was in the forest with Koneko fighting blindfolded.Koneko would throw punches and from out of nowhere and disappear
"we can stop now" said Koneko taking off the blindfold on Issei
"How could you anticipate all my moves with precision" asked Koneko
"I'm a Dragon and all my senses are very sensitive and with the work I put into further hightening them I ended up being able to see without my eyes by sensing power,the sound and smell of my environment, took a year."
"So a year's work is needed" she was then patted on the head by Issei
"For you it should take maybe 9 months,you have talent and I'm sure you have something else to help you" Issei said winking at her.She blushed slightly
"Ok now let's spar" they took positions, they matched each other blow for blow,with a few evades and a few feint but it was won by Issei with a fist that stopped and her face
"You are the perfect representation of a basic rook which is strong but slow,though you do have good reflexes you are still too slow" she just nodded
"We can't get speed up yet so,you get the blindfold and we fine tune your senses and take reflexes to another level now close your eyes and try to making a picture of your environment in your mind with your senses "

Training session 3

"Want to try something with lightning?" Asked Akeno
"Yeah but it has to be done outside" He said and he grabbed her arm and pulled her
'Ahhhhh just can't ask about her hidden power or whatever it is inside her' he mentally added pulling Akeno
"Ara Issei where are we going"
"Actually there are two things I need to show you" Then on Issei white gauntlets with blue jewels appeared on his hands and Byakko appeared.Hethen pointed at a rock and hit it with a small jolt of lightning
"And what is the problem Issei" Akeno asked
"Look with small amount I can hit a precise target but with large I can't so I wanted to know if I can make a sort of a relay or bomb like this" he then summoned lightning again on his palms the he put it into one ball and threw it to the rock and it stuck.He snapped his fingers and the shone
The rocks top part was destroyed
"Some powerful power but that has been easy to do"
"Yeah i know but imagine if I could get a large mass of power compacted and then use it as sort of bullseye for my large uncontrollable lightning"
"That might work but I was thinking you brought me here to dominate me and violate me like an animal"Akeno said showing her S-side
"I c-c-could  never do that to you, I wouldn't" he said trying to clear his name

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