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Nobody's POV?
Jun's hand slowly turned the doorknob and he made his way into their shared room. Hansol was under his covers, trying to text back kijung before it was too late and as he was finishing up with an overly exaggerated amount of ironic and satire emojis, the covers flew off and underneath laid a wide eyed, Hansol with his phone clutched in both hands.

"Let's talk" jun said, sitting on Hansol's bed, near his feet.

Hansol nodded his head and sent that final text to kijung, telling him not to worry and placed his phone on his bed in front of him. He then slowly got up and sat criss cross and faced jun.

"Look.. I know what happened last time probably didn't make sense... and I get it that you might be confused.. I'm confusing.." jun started. Hansol was mentally preparing himself for complete and utter rejection. 100% rejection and he was already started to zone out Jun and pessimistically drown in his thoughts.

"Did you hear me?" Jun asked, getting closer to Hansol.

"Hm? Yeah sure!" Hansol replied, smiling awkwardly and trying to bluff his way out of this conversation.

"So you're cool with us experimenting some more?" Jun asked almost surprised.

Hansol paused for a moment and thought. Mid thought he happened to glance downwards Jun's face and onto his lips, he didn't really catch onto what he was saying exactly but every single movement of his lips was engraved into the back of his head.

Jun noticed and put his hand over his mouth, breaking Hansol's concentration and forcing him to look up at his eyes.

The little pout hansolie just did really melted my heart in 0.2 seconds, what a legend.

I've been talking to him about experimenting before a solid relationship, and brought up a lot of sketchy and sexual things, I don't think he heard half of it so I'll just pretend this conversation never happened.

"So do you ?.. um... am I okay enough?" Hansol asked, drooping his head down a bit as if waiting for my response.

"What do you mean?" I asked, even though I knew full well what he meant.

"I'm.. we're okay? To? Do stuff like hold hands or cuddle to sleep??? Maybe ... kiss?" His eyes darted up to see my face then went back down to looking at his hands in his lap.

He wants to know if we're ok to hold hands... to cuddle.. he's so precious. My precious hyung is so adorable and precious. I smiled and looked at him.

"Hansol.. I don't know if it's just not a topic we talk about much but.. you are one of the most handsome hyungs I've met in my life."

He looked up at my surprised then hid his smile behind his hand.

"It's ok, you don't have to force it" he giggled and slapped my shoulder.

I grabbed his hand and looked at him dead in the eyes.

"You are beyond every synonym for beautiful, handsome, and sexy to me. You are so much more than looks and dance, you are an actual sunshine bottled up in a little shy cocoon of a sweet hyung waiting to burst out." I said bluntly and saw a bit of rose tint come out from Hansol's cheek.

He grabbed his free hand and placed them on his cheek, as if checking to see if there was heat there was just smiled ear to ear.

"Can you tell me more about how I'm a sunshine?"

"Only if you have approximately 2 years to spare." I said jokingly and his eyes lit up and I could see the entire universe in them.

Something about his eyes when they sparkle, when he's excited, his eyes fill up with millions of stars and reflect the earths atmosphere all in his iris and pupil. You really can't help looking into those beautiful bright eyes and seeing un attainable amounts of warmth and bliss.

I got up to turn off the lights then came back and told him to scoot back on his bed. He did so and I laid down next to him, face to face laying down on a twin sized bed, grabbing hold of his hand and playing with his hair.

(A/N: here's an attempt of my trying to be romantic and deep)

Nobody's POV:
The boys looked into each others eyes and took a moment to breathe. They took a couple minutes basking in pure silence and admiring one another.

"Did you know you radiate anytime you come around me? I know you don't find yourself personally attractive, and you've told me you find your eyes the most attractive but really you're the whole package. Your eyes are... mesmerizing. Your heart, and soul is so pure it really makes me internally scream sometimes" jun whispered, making himself more comfortable on Hansol's bed and grabbing the pillow from under his head.

"Hey!-" Hansol was about to complain about the pillow burglar until jun put his hand over Hansol's head and dropped his head down onto his arm which was spread out.

After the both got comfortable and underneath the black comforter, jun continued praising Hansol like he asked, never missing a beat or single detail Hansol hummed in response, occasionally giggling here and there.

"I really think your eyes are the key to the universe. When you're happy about something your eyes transform into tiny galaxies. I can't help but want to look at them more. Your lips are so... sweet." Jun brushed his fingers over Hansol's lips and smiled down at his hyung.

"Sweet? Jun you're so adorable when you talk like this.. you should really do it more often." Hansol said.

Jun laughed and continued on with his loving vent.

"Your lips when you pout, when you smile, when you kissed me.. every single feature you posses is enchanting and so god like." Jun swept back pieces of Hansol's hair back and exposed his forehead.

He leaned down slowly and placed a kiss on his forehead and Hansol returned with a kiss on the cheek.

"Every cute little action you do.. just like now.. drives me insane. Especially when you do aegyo and immediately get embarassed afterwards.. it's beyond precious hyung. Every little thing you do has an effect on me and has me thinking about you for the rest of my day." Jun was starting to yawn and stretched out as if he was getting ready to go to sleep.

Hansol on the other hand didn't want to let that happen yet. The fact that Jun is completely head over heels for him, wants him to know more. To know more about his feelings and his dongsaeng's. To see into his mind, to see if they both feel the same for each other.. and so far it's pretty similar.

They both have come to like every little thing the other person does, simple or not, they've both captivated one another.

Even if jun wanted to play hard to get at first, it's hard when you hear such a blunt confession from the Ji Hansol.

Just as jun was starting to close his eyes, Hansol gave him a little peck which woke him up.

"A kiss for everytime you talk? Deal?" Hansol suggested, which had them both laughing.

"Ok." Jun started, pausing for the kiss from Hansol and continuing. Making sure to drag out every sentence and stop after every single word.

After the like 200th kiss, and many laughing fits after, the two drifted off to a peaceful sleep in each others arms.

The empty bed next to them was lonely and empty, but Hansol's bed was warm and peaceful.

- 4:20 am

It was time to get up to get ready for practice, and Feeldog was making his way up to Hansol and Jun's room to get them up before they missed their alarms and were late.

He opened the door and closed it as fast as lighting.

(A/N: my sad attempt at a cliff hanger.. also I wanted to write more sappy romantic stuff but tbh I'm... I suck at this LMAO oh well. If you like if or find any of it funny please comment bc 😢😢 this make my day even if jsut a "lmAkOoO" also thanks for reading and kind of liking it? It's not toooo bad is it? Also sorry I cuss a lot in authors notes OOPS!)

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