Dont touch him

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Nobody's POV:
Feeldog was surprised to see Hansol and Jun cuddled up, bodies entangled with one another. With the brief second that he looked inside, he immediately shut the door because he felt as if he was ruining something so beautiful. Or intruding on the two's sacred shared moment of peace.

Instead, feeldog cleared his throat and knocked loudly, arousing the inhabitants of that room awake, making the duo scramble up onto their feet and get ready for what the day had in store for them.

I was sleeping on Jun's chest, he held me so close it felt so right. If an artist were to capture us, we'd be the most captivating pieces of art in the whole gallery. It was divinity.

Something about how perfect I felt he was for me. Just cuddling up and sleeping with someone you've fallen in love with can heal you to perfect health.

I woke up earlier than him but decided to go back to sleep since I didn't want our moments of bliss to end.

After I closed my eyes, I hear knocks from the door. Immediately I threw myself off of him and woke him up, then rushed over to the bathroom to shower and get ready, leaving a half asleep jun in my bed.

Seeing Hansol scrambling around the room like a chicken with its head chopped off was honestly so amusing.

We had enough time, but I know him. He didn't want anyone to see us like this, only for our own eyes.

After patiently waiting for him to be done, I went down to shower.

I awkwardly laid back down onto my bed, I didn't bother properly drying my hair so it dripped here and there.

I scooted to the side Jun slept on and basked in his scent. This wonderful scent, I absolutely love it when he lets me borrow his clothes because it smells so fondly of him.

I heard steps coming up the stairs and into my room, without opening my eyes I guessed it was Jun and pretended to be asleep.

"Hyung.." kijung whispered, shaking my shoulders gently and keeping his hand on them for longer than necessary.

Mentally, I should open my eyes but I don't feel like talking right now.

Kijung got quiet and I felt him jump over to the empty side of my bed and wrap his arms around my waist, rubbing his face into my back.

I opened my eyes in shock, and I saw Jun with a towel around his waist, in the doorway rolling his eyes as he saw two little arms around me.

Telepathically, we held a conversation which ended in him closing the door.

"Kijungiieee, dongsaeng, I'm going to change now so don't you look ok~" Jun said cheerfully then earned a "mhmm" from kijung, who still had his face right against my back.

Jun looked over straight to me and dropped his towel onto the floor, I immediately closed my eyes and then turned around to hug a surprised kijung.

"I see you're awake Hansolie hyung~" Jun said nonchalantly as he finished putting his boxer briefs and jeans on. I heard his footsteps get closer to us and I jokingly held kijung tigher as if I were protecting my kin from a big bad wolf.

Jun clicked his tongue and left the room and as I released kijung out of my arms he stared at me, blushing an oddly lot.

"Are you sick? Oh no it's a really bad time to get sick, Kijungie!" I put my forehead to his, checking his temperature then pulled back with a frown.

I waved my hands in front of a frozen kijung who looked entranced.

"Hey kijung, you ok? For real?" I was going to get up to leave but I felt his thin arms wrap around my neck and I felt his plush lips against mine.

— it all happened so quick, I couldn't fully register what was even happening but I felt kijung trembling as he didn't know how to kiss and kept pecking my lips repeatedly.

Finding it amusing, I let him continue as much as he pleased, which in hindsight was the worst idea I have ever come up with to date.

Jun came back to that scene and instantly pulled me away from kijung, locked me out of my own room and didn't open the door for 30 minutes.

Once I finally heard the door click, I was face to face with a puffy eyed crying maknae who averted his gaze.

I tried to comfort him but he slapped me away and I couldn't just let Junie do that to the poor kid.

I went back into my room to talk to jun but he ignored me too, leaving me extremely irritated.


I went down to the vans and we left soon after.

It hurt to ignore my precious baby boy but I was firm with Kijung on this bet.

The first one Hansol himself initiates a deep kiss with, wins.

Until then, we both have to ignore him even if he's angry that we do.

I might've also told kijung the things I did to Hansol beforehand, that made him cry in frustration because he obviously wanted to be the one to be so close

"You were awake? Hyung?" I heard his voice crack.

"Mm no" I put on my best fake sleepy voice and rubbed his back.

Seeing the love of my life cuddled up with some other guy usually would get any normal man mad, but to me, it's just so sad.

One day we're going to have to sit down with kijung and talk.

Tell him that Hansol and I are made for each other.

Tell him to love someone else, which may be hard.

I quickly changed and left the room, grabbing a quick breakfast of avocado and toast and heading down towards the vans.
A/N: ahh I'm so sorry I've been dead but I promise I'll get up to date with this story since it seems the most popular!
Still have no idea what I'm doing but it's fun improvising
Pls comment and vote as that motivates my lazy ass HAHA
Follow my rp instagram; @jjungchoker
Hhh I need friends also

Also feedback on my writing bc I once again, am improvising LOLz

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