Chapter 1 - Major Block

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"Thanks ma!"

"Love you darling and don't forget to ca-"

"Yeap will do, i'm going to be late, i got to go!"

I hollered as I pulled her into a tight hug and passed my passport to the officer.

While passing the immigration, i took every chance that I got to turn back and wave goodbye. Despite the huge crowds of supporters, my eyes were fixated on her gorgeous eyes which happened to be welled with tears at the moment.

Her image was growing to be smaller and less focused, but I continued to wave. With a final gesture to her and a flying kiss to the crowd, i slumped my hand over my bestie's shoulder as we proceeded towards Gate 12.

My thoughts were occupied with digesting the wonderful journey waiting ahead for us, The Olympics.


Liz and I had this whole experience planned out since we were 11. It definitely started off with us sitting next to each other and watching Cool Runnings. Last year, the movie I, Tonya had came out as well so we added it to our list as well.

Our younger selves had thought it would be good idea to recite the dialogues of the movies while doing the chubby bunny challenge.

Well, that had to be cancelled if we did not want to be called out for noise pollution. Nonetheless, from the minute we boarded the plane to the minute we landed, everything had been planned out to the most precise details.

We even took into consideration the possible travel hours and jet lag.
Hence, the minute we were handed our respective boarding passes, our natural instinct was to snatch the others and check the seating arrangement.


We had not thought this through. Surely, there was some way we could sit with each other. It was indeed a once in a lifetime opportunity.

As we looked around we saw our the other competitors scrambling to find their seatmates as well. In this mess, I was sure we were not going to find them.

Being the geniuses we were, we decided to wait till we board the plane, see who sits next to me and then exchange seats. It was partially because I was lazy to actually go looking for the person but you could just say I did not feel like socialising.

Our plan was kind of falling apart, but hey, we could not just give up hope that way, after all we were future to be olympians. With that thought i sighed and waited for the boarding call.

It had seemed like an eternity before they finally called us. A few of our teammates occupied the time by joining Liz and I for a few games of charade but even the excitement in that was starting to wear off.

With my seat being much more in front of Liz, I was naturally called up first. After agreeing to meet at my seat once she boarded, Liz and I exchanged goodbyes and I trudged towards the final checkpoint.

As I took my place in the queue, I sensed a warm palm on my hips. Instinctively, I slapped it away, and turned around with my eyes seething with rage.

There I saw a familiar pair of eyes and my whole persona softened. In contrast, he looked like a deer who had been caught in headlights. To say he was shocked was an understatement.

Quickly, recovering back to his original to-cool-for-you look, he crossed his arms and whined, "Hey! Why you gotta be like that!"

"Well, it was natural instinct and it was your fault for sneaking up on me like that!" I replied with a tinge of pride.

Matt and I went way back. Our mothers had been best friends and college and kept in touch. We were partners in crime since birth and were inseparable until circumstance literally separated us as he had to move away. After that we continued to meet in several competitions and often met up during summer breaks while maintaining our friendship online. Since, we lived far away, to say the least, it was tremendously difficult to keep our friendship alive and our busy schedules were not helping. 

However, our bond was strong and we ensured to keep it that way. He had recently moved nearer and even transferred to the same university to pursue his higher training. Our majors were different and our days were spent blocks away.

Nonetheless, our passion for swimming and our brotherly (love) allowed us to maintain our friendship.

Seeing him here was such a great relief. I knew he was coming as well but did not realise that we were going to be sitting quite close to each other as he was sitting in 5F.

By the time we caught up on ur recent events and updated ourselves with each other's lives, it was time to part and he brushed past me to his seat.


I have no idea what my mother was thinking because i could not even lift this death trap one bit. The minute my mother heard I was travelling almost half the world for The Games, she had handmade all of my favourite snacks and had dumped them in my suitcase.

She even took out some of my favourite clothes to give more space to her precious ladoos.

These athletes around me were definitely well built and could lift this with hardly any effort but obviously, my self-pride came first so I continued to struggle as so many others passed me while giving me judgemental stares.

Perhaps I should just ask for help. I could ask Liz when she comes in. However, that might take some time considering her seating position.

Sighing, i made a mental note to slaughter my mother through skype and decided to wait for Liz. At least my dignity would only drop a bit.

As I continued to wait for Liz, i finally got a brilliant idea. I could just ask Matt for help! Why had it not crossed my mind till now! Warming up myself and my sweet toned-voice, i got out of my seat to walk over to Matt.

Suddenly, a rock like object hit my face and I groaned "ouch" in reply. What was a wall doing in the middle of the aisle.

Rubbing my sore spot and looking up, I realised that in fact, my face had come in contact with someone's chest and that person was looking down at me like I was the world's biggest klutz.

And that person happened to be world-renowned Olympic Bronze Winner Nicholas Shane Dawson and boy was my eyes melting into his physique.

Author's Note

Hello Lovelies!!
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you didn't please continue reading, I promise it will get better💕 Do comment and vote as I would love to see your thoughts as well!

With love,

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