Chapter 2 - It's just the beginning

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His mesmerising eyes had lost me in thought as the memory etched deep in my memory clawed its way out.


The cool air caressed my cheeks as I entered one of the world's greatest treasures, Starbucks! It was a soothing balm to the sweltering heat outside and just the waft of coffee had me swooned. Every step I took gave me a new found energy, a radiant glow to my dull morning. As I approached the counter, I thought about which funky name would be lucky enough to be chosen by me today. Just as I settled on one, my turn to order came as well.

"I would like to have one chocolate chip frappe please"

"And your name?"

"Abalone Fahrenheit"

With a sigh, the lady behind the counter asked me to move along. Turning around, I saw the prettiest colour I had ever seen, a forest green with almost gold like flecks, staring at me. From his jawline to his toned muscles, everything about him screamed Calvin Klein model to me. Realising I had caught him staring, he cleared his throat.

"Funny name you've got there"

"Well, my parents loved abalone and the are temperature scientists so they just went why not"

"Hmm, must have lots of fun while introducing yourself I guess"

I just could not stop staring at his physique. Perhaps, he was a swimmer as well. At least he got the body type down. Not to mention he has that swimmer tan too.

"yeap , it's the highlight of my day!" i replied, hoping he would not notice my eyes wanting to devour him. As he laughed, i just couldn't help but notice that he looked so familiar. I tried to search my memory but every time I thought I knew he was, something did not sit right. We continued to indulge in small talk as we waited for our drinks. I found out that he went to the school on the other side of the town and that he happened to be visiting an aunt here. Just as i was about to ask him if he liked to swim,

"Oh I totally forgot to introduce myself, I'm Nicholas by the way, but you can just call me Nico"

With that, my brains finally starting working and I realised who he was. It was the boy who made history by being the youngest person to ever set foot on the Olympic podium. He was practically a legend and there I was standing and chatting with him like he was the boy next door.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely knew my swimming all stars but for quite some time, I've dedicated all my energy and time to swimming, women's swimming. I watched the men's meets but it was mainly for Matt because honestly it is totally different from women's swimming. The men's strategies, timings, methods all are distant from us, so what was the point? All in all swimming was still swimming so I still kept up with it. But now, I really wished I had kept up with it like my formative years, With a mental facepalm in a state of shock, I opened my mouth to reply although I had no idea what I was actually going to say.

It was like the gods had taken pity upon me because the counter lady had returned with our drinks! As she passed them to us with a shaky hand, she asked for Nicholas or Nico should I say, to sign another cup of hers. Her reaction was priceless. The minute she got the signed cup she acted as if she had gotten an Emmy. Clearly, she was thrilled.

Yet, Nico simply and turned to me. Oh god, what was he's going to say? Perhaps he would over me a signed cup as well. Do I really want it though? Well, of course I wanted it. Wait, that would just make me look like a bigger idiot, right?

"Sorry, I didn't catch your name, your real name" he uttered.

"Hmm, what a pity, should have disclosed your true identity first then" I declared and stormed off with my drink.

Should I have done that? Was i putting him in a tough spot? It isn't normal to just spill all your personal details the first time you meet right? Oh god, I was being weird. Worst still, I just made a bigger fool of myself. Ughh, no matter what he should have said who he was. I became a fool because of him and definitely not because of myself.

My inner thoughts ushered my mind, yet my heart was not satisfied.


"Are you okay miss?" a voice that was currently etched in mind questioned as it brought me back to the real world.

"Umm yea i'm fine"

"Do you need help with your bags?"

"Err no i don't"

Oh god, what had I done. Clearly, I needed help but now I could not ask Matt for help because he would know i'm lying and I could not ask him for help because duh, I had just refused it. As my inner voice reprimanded me for my stupidity, I attempted to carry the bag. However, when I brought it over my head, it was evident that this was not working. Anyone with eyes could tell I was about to fall any moment. Mustering up more strength and hoping to save face. I continued to try to slam it into the cabinet.

Just as I prepared myself for public embarrassment, I felt a warm palm against my hand. With the slight pressure it released, the suitcase was finally in the compartment.

Taking my hand away, I stated a simple thank you and plopped myself onto my seat. With the side of my eye, I observed him closely. I watched him put his suitcase up with ease, might i add, and scanned his ticket. Looking towards me, he smiled.

Dear lord. I turned away, praying that my seatmate was not going to be him.

Lo' behold. I felt someone sitting right next to me. True enough, it was him. Boy was this going to be a long flight.

Author's Note

Heyy Hunnies!!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you did, do comment and vote :)) Side note: What is the person who passes the drinks called? I was so confused about this. I know the person who makes it is a barista and the person at the register is a cashier. When I searched it up, there was a mixed range of answers so I'm hoping you have some answers! Have a great week ahead!

With love,

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