Chapter 8 - CANZUK

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With just a short introduction, I had slotted myself into a group of Kiwis consisting about 3 guys and 2 girls. I could hardly make out their faces in the dark and even so catch or remember their names with the pounding music.

It was clear they were all drunk and not wanting to be left out, i downed a few as well, catching up to speed.

Between jamming to "All Night Long" and dancing till our bodies ached, I was able to establish myself to be more than just another acquaintance with the group.

Along with Noah there was Mikaila, a world-class Aussie tennis player who happened to be a returning Olympian. She was really nice to me and in fact was the one to introduce me to the group.


"Woah" I exclaimed as a body thumped on me as I approached the bar after finding no one to socialise with. A blonde girl sporting a high ponytail and the tallest pair of heels I had ever seen peeled herself off my shoulder.

"I am so sorry and thanks! Should have been in better control eh?" She spoke with her piercingly blue eyes looking straight into mine as she stumbled onto the counter.

Her twang made it obvious she was from New Zealand or Australia but I couldn't exactly put my finger on either. I continued staring at her both in bewilderment and awe as she sucked on a lemon.

Within minutes she was up and pumping and I could hardly tell she had been drinking.

Sensing my shock, "It's alright, been drinking since I was 14, honestly can't remember being sober' she winked.

Laughing it off and hoping she would teach me this trick because I could never hold my liquor, we introduced ourselves and did some ice-breaking at the counter before she brought me back to what she called 'her lot'.


That's how I started spending my night with these bufflords.

Soon after, I found out that Joshua and Trent were Canadians who had ties with Mikaila who used to be from Canada. Joshua was a wrestler and Trent a returning shooter. No wonder, I wasn't sure about where Mikaila was from. Apparently, Mikaila and Trent became friends during the previous games and have continued and expanded their friendship ever since.

All of them welcomed me warmly, probably excited to expand their little CANZUK (political and economic union of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom). It seemed like a harmless night. We hardly talked about our lives or the Games. We simply danced and jammed to a carefree night.

"Enjoying the night?" hollered Noah. His golden locks that curled and hung loosely mesmerised me. I could see he was sporting a summer tan even in that dim lighting.

"Of course, and I know you are too because you're with me" I smirked.

He opened his mouth to reply just when the lyrics "Just shoot for the stars" blared around the arena.

Before we knew it, we were screaming the lyrics of Moves like Jagger to the remix playing in the club. We jumped and did our crazy moves to the song we knew by heart before convincing the rest to join in and embarrass themselves with us.

Yet, I always felt a sense of discomfort around Noah. As if, someone was staring at us, at me. Although I stole frequent glances at the group and around us, I couldn't seem to figure out who it was.

When Leah refused to join us, I wasn't too shocked. She had kept her distance from me through the night and the only thing I knew about her was her name, Leah. Despite being friendly with the rest of the group, she didn't respond to my offers for a drink or any attempt to chat.

After catching her sharp dagger-like stares at Noah and I, I knew she had been the one staring all night. I didn't want any enemies on my first day. Hence, I decided to distance myself from Noah.

Deciding to grab another round, I excused myself from Noah who frowned and asked me to grab one for him as well.

"Sorry, hands are full" I pointed to my purse which I could've easily wedged between my hip and arm to keep my effort of distancing myself from him.

That earned me another frown and a shrug. I walked off towards the bar before he could ask me anything else and asked the bartender for anything strong he had as I rubbed my temple thinking about the mess I had gotten into.

Walking back, being more than abi tipsy, I stumbled across, hoping to get that secret of being seemingly sober again from Mikaila.

Two hands steadied me and pushed my chin up. Surprisingly, it was Leah. Just as I was about to thank her,

"Stay away from him" and with that I dropped to the floor. "Or next time it'll be more than just a shove!"

Stunned by that, I tried to reach out for Leah,hoping to pull her down with me. But all I saw was her frame walking away from me.

Wincing in pain, I crouched to find my knee bleeding. Mentally preparing myself for a lecture from Coach for injuring myself when I had only weeks left to the biggest moment of my life, I plopped up and asked the bartender for a first aid kit.

He pointed to the corner of the room which seemingly had nothing. Deciding not to doubt others when I myself am drunk, I dragged myself over. There stood a black cupboard, which I would have never noticed from afar.

Yet, aside from some tissue roles, a mop and some condoms the cupboard was empty. There was no sign of a first aid kit.

Timed to perfection, I turned around to see a boy sitting against the wall with the first aid kit next to him. Thank goodness the bartender had not been as drunk as me.

Plopping myself next to the boy, I opened the kit to find it full of foreign things. There were some bottles, a stack of cotton pads, safety pins, gloves, tweezers, and many different dressings and bandages of various sizes.

I didn't even know that a first aid kit contained so many things. It was no secret that I had never used a first aid kit before. My mother, coach and friends had always helped me dress my wounds so I never bothered to learn.

Deciding not to give strangers, more so my competitors the opportunity to possibly mess up my body even though it was just a cut, I decided to just plop on a bandage and treat it later.

As I opened the bandage that seemed the right size, I felt a strong grip on my hand, preventing me from further peeling the bandage.

"Aren't you going to clean up your wound?" a familiar voice greeted me.

Next to me was my plane partner, the infamous Nico.

Author's Note

Hey lovelies! Wow, two chapters in a day! I am surprised at myself too but I guess I owe it to you guys after my long absence. Hope you enjoy both chapters and stay tuned for the next because it's going to take a turn you never expected!

This is probably one of my longer chapters, hope it wasn't too draggy ;) Thanks for all the support and please comment and vote to let me know your thoughts!

Much love,


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