Ezor x reader ~lemon~/ dont try to escape

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This was requested by @cricketluver
Requests are still open!! Please give me prompts or just a character you want an x reader with!

Your POV

You were a paladin of Voltron. ( just pretend you had gotten the blue lion instead of Allura back in season 3) But a few months ago you were captured by the gulra due to kuron, you had been taking a break from the others in the pod he just happened to kidnap lotor in. So there you were in a gulra prison cell being tortured daily by the enemies of the coalition and Voltron. A creek at the door cent shivers down you spine and made you look up to the cell door to see a taller shadow standing above you.

"Get up" a demanding voice said, you couldnt see their face because of the new lighting in the small room. You stood up and the alien cuffed your wrists together and took you out of the room. "Listen to what I'm about to tell you" the now visible part gulra said before taking you to a new part of the ship you hadn't recognized. "I'm going to let you go paladin but you'll need to do something for me in return" she said turning to face you. Looking at your surroundings you notice you were in the fighter craft bay of the ship ( idk if that's the right term).

" I won't rat out my team just for freedom!" You said trying to make a run from her. She grabbed your waist and threw you over her shoulder before getting in a pod and flying out of the ship, once out of reach of the large prison ship she turned to you after she put the small space craft on auto pilot. You couldn't do anything. You felt helpless your hands tied to a small bar on the wall of the dimly lit ship.

" I don't want information" she said crouching down beside you now trembling body. " I want to take you back to your team, but in order for me to do so I need your help with something" she said putting her hands on your bruised and burned cheeks. " my name is ezor I was one of Lotor's generals" she said as she reached up to deactivate the cuffs but not take them off you.

"I-I'm (y/n) the blue paladin" you say in a shy but confident voice. " so w-what do you want me to do in return for taking me back to the other paladins?" You ask the now smiling girl in front of you.

"Well this may seem a little uh lewd? I think the word is, but I need to mate with someone before the end of what you earthlings call a day" you blush slightly at her words. "So I thought you could help me out with that?" She said sounding slightly embarrassed.

"If you promise to take me back to my friends... then I'll do it" she smiled at your words.

"Let me do all the work all you need to do is sit there and look pretty~" she said as she started to remove your gulra prison clothes and taking in all the curves and scars on your smooth skin while kissing each one delicately. You moaned quietly allowing her to do as she pleased. If this meant you got to see the only family you had left in the universe then you'd sell your body a thousand times. Once all your clothes had been removed she took off her armor so she could pull you closer. She then kisses and sucked on you neck leaving marks that didn't look like they were from haggar's torment. After she was satisfied with the marks she had left she activated the cuffs so they would clasp to the wall above your head.

"If you want me to stop tell me~" ezor says as she puts her hands on your waist and kisses your chest making you let out small soft moans.

"E-Ezor~ w-wait~" she looks up at you with questioning eyes.

"Yes?~" you blushed at your next statement not sure how this was going to turn out.

"I-I've never done anything like this before~" you said as she pulled you up onto her lap with your thighs on either side of her waist.

"It's ok I haven't either~" the cheerful hybrid stated while planting a kiss on your lips. You squirmed slightly as her hands trailed from your upper back to your lower while her nails slightly dug into your skin. You let out small moans and whimpers as she nipped and kissed at the sensitive skin on your jaw and neck.

You could soon feel one of her fingers enter your womanhood making your legs slightly tremble and for you to cry out her name. She smirked at this and pumped the finger making you moan loudly. She soon added a second finger and pumped faster and made her fingers go deeper. You were now shaking in pleasure and had a thin layer of sweat covering your body. She added a third finger and pumped faster witch sent you over the edge and making you cum with a loud moan. She pulled her fingers out and licked them clean before taking the cuffs off you and letting you get dressed.

You soon fell asleep only to be woken up by a very worried Hunk and lance and Keith holding ezor at gun and sword point.

"No stop!" You yell as you ran over and shielded her body with your own. "S-she saved me! I would still be locked up if she didn't save me! A-and I... I think I love her for that..."

"What are you talking about (y/n)?! Sea part gulra! And works for lotor!" Lance yelled making you take a step away from him.

"If (y/n) says she's good then I believe her" Hunk said. You and him had been friends forever and he'd trust you with anything.

" if I'm causing trouble I'll just leave" ezor said putting a hand on your shoulder.

"B-But what about what happened earlier?" You said tears brimming your eyes.

"I have to find lotor anyways... good bye (y/-" you turned around and slammed your fist against the wall near her head.

"NO!" You yelled as the tears fell from your eyes. " DONT TRY TO ESCAPE MY LOVE FOR YOU!!"

The last thing you remember is something hard hitting your neck making you black out.

Im so so so so sorry this didn't come out sooner but it turned out better than I thought XD

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