Shance ~cuddle time~

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Soooowwwyyy I haven't been updating in this book here's some shance to hopefully make up for it ☺️

Third person POV

It was late, far to late to be training but here lance was his bayard in hand and determined to beat Keith's record. Levels 1-20 were easily beaten, levels 22-30 done without to much of a challenge, levels 31-35 were difficult.

"Start training sequence level 36!" Lance shouted readying his weapon.

"End training sequence!" Someone yelled from the doorway of the room.

"What the hell?!" Lance yelled at the person who he hadn't realized was shiro.

"Lance," he said warningly. "You should've been asleep four hours ago."

"I know I'm just so close to-"

"Stop lance, you don't need to prove yourself," shiro said as he made his way over to the smaller teen. "Go shower and go to sleep you need it."

Lance let out a sigh and did as he was told. He was finished showering and got in some comfortable clothes, he laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. The growl of his stomach made him realize he hadn't gone to dinner so he got up once again and made his way to the kitchen. He grabbed a plate of food goo and a water pouch and went to the dining room sitting in his normal seat.

"Lance? I thought I told you to get some sleep?" Shiro said from the doorway of the room.

"Sorry, I had just realized I hadn't eaten dinner and was also having a bit of trouble falling asleep." Lance replied. "Unless I did fall asleep and your my dream." He winked.

"Yeah but that food goo is a nightmare." Shiro said with a chuckle and sat in the seat next to him.

"That's very true." Lance giggled. Shiro smiled softly with a light blush on his face. The two talked for a few minutes while lance finished his snack.

"Hey lance?" Shiro said trying to grab his attention. "Would you maybe sleep with me tonight?"

A deep blush mad it's way across Lance's face.

"I-u-umm." Lance stuttered out.

"Not like that, I meant like sleep in my room with me." He clarified.

"O-Oh! That makes more sense! Yeah, sure! Yes I'd love to sleep in your room with you!" Lance said laughing nervously. "Not that I wouldn't want your dick in my ass, that just seems more appropriate- that I would just sleep in your room- like sharing a room with your little brother just-" lance continued to ramble and shiro gave a small chuckle.

"I do wanna fuck you lance, let's just wait until your property rested." Shiro said getting up and taking Lance's plate back to the kitchen.

"A-Alright." Lance said flustered while fallowing behind him. Once the two made their way to shiro's room lance was exhausted and just about ready to collapse and fall asleep where he landed. Shiro chuckled as lance flopped onto his bed. He pulled off his shirt and laid so he was between Lance's legs with his arms wrapped around Lance's waist and nuzzled his stomach. Lance gave a small giggle.

"That tickles." He muttered making shiro smile. He leaned up and pressed a kiss on Lance's lips.

"Good night lance." Shiro said and they bother drifted peacefully to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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