Klance angst fluff

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Lance's POV

It was around 2am and I was just falling asleep, but my thoughts of how I don't really contribute to the team were keeping me awake. I got up, grabbed my blanket and a pillow and went to the control room, I sat down and pulled the blanket around my shoulders. I sat there watching the stars for a while; it wasn't boring but kinda calming. I felt so small thinking that there's so much more out there and maybe a better blue paladin. I could feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks and a few sobs could be heard escaping my mouth. I felt like the universe I was meant to be fighting to protect was telling me to stop and that I'll only make things worse.

I didn't hear the foot steps enter the room, but I did feel a hand on my shoulder. I didn't hesitate to turn an hug their larger figure tightly and cry into their shoulder. Their hand wipes a few tears from my face and they kissed my head.

"It'll be ok lance" it was Keith, he was helping me? Why? There was no reason he should, I always make fun of him and fight with him about the stupidest things. It made me hug him tighter. "Shhh" he said soothingly trying to calm me down. "It'll be ok lance, just tell me what's wrong..." he said rubbing my back.

"I-I j-just....." my mind couldn't form words; all I could do was sit there being useless like usual. "I'm so useless" I mutter and nuzzle into his chest.

"Your far from useless lance," he said kissing my head again. " your the one that keeps me from losing it all most of the time," Keith said as he cupped my cheeks and brought our faces close. "Your the cool, amazing ninja sharpshooter," he said kissing my nose and wiping away a few of the tears on my cheeks. I smile a bit and lean into his touch. " plus your a paladin and we can't form voltron without you." for some reason that hurt, I know they can't form voltron without me, but to hear it coming from Keith made me feel like that's the only reason he was here or even helping me. I pushed him away, I wanted to run so badly, I wanted to leave and never come back, I started crying again.

"You don't think I don't already know that!...." he tried to hug me again but I moved away. " s-stop... a-all I want is to have a place in the team... other than just the dead weight...." I had my knees to my chest and my head in my legs. Keith pulled me by my feet back to him. He was between my legs and I was on his lap. He quickly connected our lips in a passion and love filled kiss.

"Lance, to me your the reason I'm even here, without you we wouldn't have found the blue lion, we wouldn't have gone into space, we wouldn't have formed voltron, and I wouldn't have fallen in love." I sniffled and let him continue. "You don't need to change and anyone who says you do is wrong, your beautiful and smart and even if your a jerk and have the worst pick up lines, your the person that I fell in love with." I chuckled and started wiping away my tears.

"I love you too keith"

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