Chapter Four

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Andy's P.O.V

"What about this one?" 

I glanced up from painting my nails and scrutinised the dress that Christian had dug out from the depths of my wardrobe. I cocked my head to one side and then scrunched up my nose, shaking my head.

Christian sighed and flopped down on my bed next to me. "Well you have to choose something,"

"I know, I know," I sighed, feeling like a dumb blonde in a chick flick who couldn't decide what to wear on a hot date. I stood up and rose on my heels, trying not to smudge any of the wet nail polish on my toes. I slowly edged towards my closet and peered inside once more.

There must be one dress in here which is suitable for going on a date with a sex god, who wants to fuck me senseless

Frustratedly I started pulling dresses and other items out of my closet in a haste to find something nice to wear. Until right at the back of my closet I found a very old dress that I hadn't worn since I was sixteen, mainly because I thought it was a little naughtyrisky or daringto wear.  

"How about this?" I pulled out the dress I had found, showing it off proudly.

"Don't you think it's a bit...risky?" Christian held it up to his own body, indicating to the length.

"So?" I said rebelliously. "I'll wear tights with it,"

Christian eased off the bed and held his hands up in defeat. "Fine, but be sensible,"

I chuckled and stuck my tongue out at him then pushed him out my room playfully, while I got ready.

Once convinced that he was out of earshot, I quickly undid the dressing gown I wore and hastily slipped the stockings that Ash had asked me to wear, back on. Then quickly pulled the dress on after them, to my amazement it just managed to cover the lacy tops of the stockings. Feeling more relaxed about sneaking past Chuppy, I slipped on a pair of heels that I only really wore if I went out and sprayed myself with some cologne. Once I was satisfied I grabbed my bag and tottered out of my room into the sitting room where Chuppy was sitting yelling obscenities at some pop singer on the T.V.

I scooped down and kissed him on the cheek. "See you later,"

"Adiós baby," Christian cooed, from his spot on the sofa. "Use protection,"

I rolled my eyes and shut the door behind me, feeling the cool night air wash over my shoulders. I shivered a little and trotted down to the double doored entrance, the doorman opening it for me. I politely nodded at him then walked steadily towards the Bentley that was parked outside. Suddenly  arms wrapped around me from behind, pulling me close and holding me against the body which they belonged to.

"Why Hello there, What's a pretty thing like you doing out at this time?" Ash whispered teasingly. "Bad men walk these streets at this time and would want to take advantage of you,"

I breathed out shakily, the warmth creeping up my body making me feel the cold less. He chuckled slightly and suddenly one of his hands were slowly moving up the back of my dress.

He bit my earlobe and leaned in to whisper. "I should know because I'm one of them,"

Oh My...

He reached around me and held open the car door for me. "Get in the car,"

I giggled and put on a mock distressed face. "Oh No, Somebody save me!"

He grinned and squeezed my left buttock. "Come on drama-king, It's cold out here,"

I giggled once again and eased into his car, I sat at the far end, taking this moment to wish that I had worn a longer dress. He climbed in beside me and the car started driving automatically.

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