Chapter 1

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I walk down the hallway reading my book until I accidentally run into someone I fall to the floor. "Ouch..." I groan. "Oh I'm sorry..." a deep voice said. I see a man with a mask over his face and his headband covered one of his eyes. His hair was white and his eyes were dark.

"Nah I'm sorry I should've been paying more attention ahead." I say the man smiles. "Are you new here or something?" He asked. I blushed "Yeah I guess you could say that..." I say with a smile. "Good to know what's your name...?" He asked. I sigh "my name is (Y/N)(L/N)" I say with confidence the man chuckled. "I'm Kakashi Hatake I believe we have a mission together. Yammato is our other teammate..." he clarifies I stand slack jawed.

"Plus by the way that nice act isn't fooling anyone it's obvious that you were trying to see what kind of person I was." He explains I look down and smile. "Ex anbu?" I ask Kakashi nods. I follow him out. "It wasn't all an act..." I say. Kakashi tilts his head "I'm aware you are genuinely a bright person but you're by far one of the most deadliest people in this village." Kakashi explains.

He knows?! how?! I barely knew much about him but he seemed to know everything about me. I stopped walking Kakashi turns and looks at me "I have no idea what you're talking about..." I say softly. Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks. "Did I upset you? You're not fooling me. I can see through your act and your tears..." he explained. I stiffened then looked up then smiled.

"Well aren't we the clever one...? Honestly I didn't think it'd be that easy for you. I'm smart but I'm not always happy go lucky. However I can be." I say then wipe the tears from my face and walk beside him.

"I do want to know something though how do you know so much about me?" I ask Kakashi looked down on me his eyes were piercing my soul.

"You might think otherwise but I can see through most people's acts and facades. Plus those eyes look like mine. So who was it your mother or your father who died?" He asked I look away.

"Both..." I say.

His gaze was softer after those words. The words stung but I wasn't about to let him see my real tears.

"I take it you lost a parent as well..." I ask he nods and we walk the rest of the way in silence.

I see a younger man who was either my age or slightly younger. He had brown hair and dark eyes.

"This is Yamato. Yamato this is y/n." Kakashi introduces.

I simply smile and nod he does the same. Kakashi explained everything as we walked outside of the village.

"So how was life in the Anbu Black ops?" Kakashi asked.

I shutter at the question I didn't want to answer him I don't understand why but he's making me nervous. I simply look up and meet his bored gaze.

"The same as it was for you I suppose..." I respond.

"No you weren't in just any Anbu squad..." he says.

"Yeah you're right I was the captain of the assassination team." I respond.

Kakashi looked at me with sympathy I hated that look I didn't want his pity. I was well aware I had blood on my name. However I made peace with it a long time ago this was what I was made for. To dirty my own hands for the sake of the village. There was no good left for me in the after life I have no future.

"I can relate with you..." he said

This angered me how could anyone know my story and how hard it's been for me? I'm not going to let this man get to me.

"How can you possibly relate to me?" I ask he stared and looked at me with a serious expression.

"I've killed too you know? I'm a murder so I know what it's like to kill over and over because when You make your first kill you stop you hesitate and your hands shake. However when you do so often your hand no longer trembles and it becomes second nature." He explains.

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