Chapter 3

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Kakashi looked like he'd just witnessed the worlds greatest secret. I don't think I've ever seen this much emotion come from him. I giggle and hand him the cup of Sake he takes it and drinks it.

This was the first time I'd seen him without his mask. He was handsome to say the least. However his facial expression when I told him was beyond priceless. This was also the first time I've seen him speechless.

"Well technically I'm his granddaughter he took me in when my parents died..." I explain.

Kakashi still sat silent and just shocked. He thought about it for a moment I poured him another cup and he took it immediately.

"Okay. That actually explains so much..." he said.

I nod in agreement as I took another sip of Sake.

"It normally does." I respond.

"Let me know when it's fully sunk in and then ask me questions..." I say.

He just stops and looks at me. I guess he was shocked that I told him this.

"Open Your mouth..." he said.

I grin and stick out my tongue revealing a curse mark on my tongue.

"It's different than the foundations curse mark. What is it?" He asked I sigh.

"So in the foundation you're given a curse mark that keeps you from revealing information about our mission or Danzo. Mine is the same but mine is also a death mark. Danzo has made it clear if I disobey him I die. He also uses the curse mark to get people who care about me to do what he wants to protect me..." I explain.

Kakashi's eyes were full of sorrow and sympathy I felt his gaze burn into me.

"He'd kill his own granddaughter?" He asked I nod.

"How does it kill you though..." he asked I shrugged I wasn't allowed to speak it.

"I see it also enables you to say what it does." He says.

I nod and stand up and walk to the window.

"I'm sorry Kakashi Hatake..." I say.

He looks at me and walks over and looks out the window. The sunset was beautiful.

"What are you apologizing for..." he asked.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you." I say.

"What? What do you mean you didn't cause me any trouble; I did what I did because I wanted to." He explains.

He pushed a strand of hair out of my face and behind my ear. He simply stared into my (e/c) eyes.

I reached out my hand and placed it on his chest where he was stabbed.

"Does it hurt?" I ask.

He shook his head and placed his hand on top of mine. He then took my hand in his and kissed it. Heat rushed to my cheeks and when he let go of my hand I turned away.

LWhat the hell is wrong with me why am I lacting this way. He touched my hand so what why is this a big deal and why is it whenever I think about him my heart starts to pound? I don't understand this feeling. I think to myself.

I snap out of it when Kakashi starts to talk again.

"What is it? Your face is red are you not feeling well? Do you have a fever?" He asked before placing his hand to my forehead.

This made me blush even more so I try to escape the situation.

———Kakashi's POV———
Is she blushing? No it couldn't be.

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