Chapter 5

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Time skip

I was out of the hospital now I had seal on the curse mark. It should prevent any further episodes like that.

Kakashi walked out with me I was so happy to be out of that hospital. 3 days felt like 3 years. I sigh breathing in the fresh crisp air of fall. We both walk home he explained that I was going to be apart of his team when Naruto gets comes back in and Sakura finishes training under Tsunade.

I couldn't believe it I was apart of a team again.

"Oh and Yamato and Sai will be joining us as well" he said.

I raise an eyebrow thinking he was joking.

"A member from the foundation is going to be apart of a group. Especially one hot head who's going to think he's Sasuke's replacement. 1 easily angered girl who won't hesitate to beat the crap out of him. 1 ex Anbu Black ops member and one ex Anbu Black ops member who was once in charge of the assassination squad. Right..." I say sarcastically.

"I'm sure he will be fine with us there." He said.

"I'm not worried about him being fine. He's a great shinobi only he's young and isn't really good at expressing the important emotions. I'm more worried about him saying something and he offends someone. He's blunt and will say exactly what he's thinking..." I trail off when I see his optimism melt away.

He exhaled an looked at me with tired eyes. However the slowly filled with a look like he had discovered something amusing.

"You two must get a long well then..." he joked.

I scoff and punch his shoulder.

"What did you expect?" I ask.

He just shrugged we approached the driveway to my house. I stop and look at him I didn't want him to leave there was so much I wanted to tell him. He smiled and embraced me and started to walk away. Somewhat subconsciously I reach out and grab his arm.

"Please stay with me...?" I ask sounding more needy then I intended.

He smiles and nods and walks in with me. We both sit and talk for a bit I make us some tea. I enjoyed his company he made me feel safe however the shadow of my grandfather and his chains still held me tightly. I must have been lost in thought I squeezed my cup so hard it shattered.

I jump back I drop the glass as it cuts my hands. Kakashi sighs and grabs a napkin and starts to clean the cut on my hands. I didn't realize I was crying until I he looked at me with concern.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Oh nothing. Don't worry about it..." I say smiling.

"Look don't try to hide emotions you haven't quite mastered the convincing fake smile yet..." he said with a smile.

"Neither have you. Your hands are trembling..." I say my hands in his.

He nodded and gently wrapped my hands in a cloth. I smile genuinely at him and hug him. Then I take his hands in mine.

"I don't mean this in a bad way but you're my weakness. Unfortunately Danzo has figured that out and has threatened to hurt you to get me to comply..." I explain.

"I know that much in fact I heard the whole thing and the rogue ninja he was talking about was he referring to Itachi?" He asked.

I hesitated for a moment before nodding. I hadn't seen Itachi in forever and I failed as a guardian for his brother. Sasuke is now a 'runaway' ninja. I shake the thought away and look at him.

"Yeah he was talking about Itachi. He was my childhood crush. Then he killed everyone in his clan but his brother and it wasn't even his fault..." I trail off I see a twinge of brokenness in Kakashi's eyes.

"You still love him..." he starts.

"What...?!" I start.

"It doesn't matter if I still love him or not it wouldn't happen even if I did..." I explain.

"What would you do if he appeared right now?" He asked I look at him and saw a hint of distrust.

"One of us would be dead and the other would walk free..." I say.

"Who'd walk free?" He asked.

"I honestly don't know he always beat me when we trained..." I say.

"Well then I guess I should warn you should you come face to face with him you better be the one to walk away." He says his eyes soft and understanding.

I smile and hug him he doesn't hesitate to hug me back. I break the hug and our eyes met. He closed the gap and kissed my lips. His lips were soft and warm. He deepened the kiss and bit my bottom lip. I gasp and he sneaks his tongue into my mouth out tongues fighting for dominance he won.

We break the kiss to breathe, I rest my head on his. Panting I let my hands roam across his body. He grinned and began to take off his clothes.

———as usual I'll leave the rest to your imagination———

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