Chapter 6

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I wake up and slowly sip my coffee. Kakashi was sitting in front of me doing the same.

I sighed and walked up and rested my head on his shoulder. Kakashi smiled, and then brought his hand to my head.

"Hey isn't Naruto coming back soon...?" I ask.

Kakashi seemed caught off guard at this question. I saw a hint of sadness and joy in his eyes. I may not have known his situation but, I knew that look this man was bound by regrets from his students I've wanted to ask him about it for a while but I didn't want to remind him.

I shake the thought away and look up at him and bring my lips to his and gently kiss him. I pull away and smiled he looked amazed.

"What?" I asked.
"Your smile it was, genuine. You were actually happy." He stated.

"Well I never said I didn't have them. I just got used to suppressing them I forgot how to express them. I can be happy and sad and scared I just don't show it very often." I say with a another genuine smile.

Kakashi seemed shocked by words. I'm not sure if it was the fact that he was tired or what he had that same shocked expression on his face all morning. I'm actually confused as to why.

"Hey Kakashi, can I ask you a personal question? Feel free to say no." I ask Kakashi glanced at me and nodded.

"Why is it whenever I mention Naruto, why is it you look so sad? It's like you're in a different world like you're there but not. Or when I mention it you look at me but it's more like you're looking through me. Why?" I ask.

Kakashi sighed and stood up and walked over to the couch and gestured me to follow. He sits down and I sit down beside him.

"It's not so much that the mention of Naruto is what gets me down it's the fact that he only left because he wants to bring Sasuke home. Which he wouldn't have to do if I'd been a better teacher. I could have prevented Sasuke from going down that dark path." He said.

His words stung I knew that feeling all too well. I went through it with my sister and Itachi. I sigh and place my hand on his shoulder, he meets my gaze.

"I wish I could say I didn't understand that feeling of how you could have prevented someone from going down a path like that. I know that forever looming cloud of regret hanging over you. However he made his choice you aren't responsible for him he made his choice of his own free will." I explain.

"Yeah I know but you as well as I do that no matter what you feel as if there was something You could have done." He said.

I reluctantly nodded and looked away I knew what was coming next however I wasn't looking forward to it. Then I glance at the clock and realize we were going to be late.

"Saved by the bell..." Kakashi said I look away.

"You know I'm going to ask and I'll want an answer." Kakashi said getting up and grabbing his gear.

I do the same and we both walk down to the hokages office. We both get there and wait on the ledge outside the window.

I heard a bunch of voices, then the window opened and that was when I decided to disappear Kakashi probably wanted to talk to them alone anyway.

———Kakashis POV———
She left I guess this is her way of giving me space. Either way I wonder where she went, I never did get the chance to tell her she would be Sasuke's "replacement". I could have told her but she doesn't need to know today I'll just tell her later.

———back to y/n POV———
This walk was a lot quieter, I was used to talking to Kakashi or at least hear him reading while he was walking with me.

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