Chapter 2

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The olympics have started! No one really cares, but I like watching the cute boys swim. :)

xox Ar

ps, my favorite picture of Gemma Ward (Ainslie) is off to the side! :) She's gorg!

After all of our hair, make-up and wardrobe was done, we all actually looked ready.

All of the guys were dressed in what their blonde stylist kept calling their “signature” looks, and all of us girls were dressed corresponding to them.
I had dark eye make-up piled on and all of my hair pulled up.

But, you know, it was normal.

“Ainslie and Harry! We’re starting off with you two!” The director called as Harry and I shuffled over to him.

“Okay, kiddos.” He said clapping his hands together. “We’re going to film your couple scene. Now Ainslie, you’ve listened to the song right?”

My heart started beating harder in my chest. I was supposed to basically memorize it, but I listened to it once. “Yes.” I said honestly. I HAD listened to it.

“Great, so you know how it’s all about a love/hate relationship.” He said clapping his hands together. He as significantly shorter than everyone else there, but definitely made himself heard. “We’re going to have you two set up in this bathroom set behind me. You’re going to be standing at the mirror, exasperated with him and he’s going to sit behind you on the edge of the bathtub.” He started speaking so fast that I had a hard time keeping up with him.
Basically we had to have a huge water fight and then make-up.

“Can you do this for me?” He asked after about 10 more minutes of exaggerating.

“Yes.” I smiled enthusiastically.

“This is gonna be fun.” Harry smiled, nudging me arm with his elbow. “Go all out on me. I can take it.”

I just laughed and shook my head.

We got on the set and I did my best to act as pissed as I possibly could.

I stared into the mirror at my own reflection before looking down.

I wanted it to be dramatic.

I splashed my face with water like the director told me to, and turned around, flicking my wet hands at Harry so the extra drips went all over him, before drying my face off.

Which was completely unnecessary due to what happened next.

I don’t remember the director telling Harry to do what he did, but he got the handheld shower head out of the shower and sprayed the back of my head.

I let out a shill shriek in return, considering the water was about 50 degrees and turned around to face him.

He let the shower head hang in his hands as he stared at me, a smug look on his face.

I picked it up out of his hands and sprayed him in the face.

After a while of us fighting over the shower head, getting soaked and being completely frozen, I had forgot that the camera crews and tons of people were actually watching us.

Harry had me pinned to the floor and stared at me for a second.
I was panting hard from wrestling the stupid sprayer out of his hands.

His green eyes bore into mine as he leaned down and pressed his soft lips onto mine.

I lost myself in what was going on. He started to kiss me rougher, still pinning me down to the ground, and I met his intensity, plus a half.

“Cut!” The director yelled, pulling us out of our trances.

It's All Down The Drain (Harry Styles)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن