Chapter 8

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This one's kind of short, but to make up for it, I'll be updating twice tonight! Much love, :D

Harry and I continued fake dating for about another two and a half months. He seemed to drop the seriousness of it and had stopped flirting and getting physical unless we were out in public on one of our fake date rendezvous.

I had noticed a huge difference in how I was being treated all over the board. I was getting so many more jobs and my agency was being a lot nicer to me now that I was getting them more money. I had gained hundreds of thousands of followers, which came with that many replies in a day, which I barely paid attention to.

People actually recognized me on the street, but then again it wasn’t for the reason that I had wanted.

It wasn’t because they liked my work.

It was because I was “Harry Styles’ girlfriend”.

My phone rang and Harry’s name popped up.


“Hey, are you almost ready to go to the pool?” He asked slowly in his low voice. “I’m outside waiting.”

“Oh,” I said trying to find my purse and everything quickly. “I’ll be out in a second.”

I stood in front of my full length mirror, not believing that I would be stupid enough to go out in public in a bikini.

My yellow top led down to my ribs, which led down to fat and then my pink bottoms.

I sighed, pulling at the fat and skin on my stomach before slipping a strapless sundress on and flip flops before I walked out the door.

Harry’s little Audi was sitting outside my flat by the curb.

I laughed a little bit. Harry and two ostentatious vehicles and I didn’t even have one vehicle.

“You look very nice today.” Harry said, his British accent flowing through.

“Thanks.” I smiled. Regardless of any compliment he’d give me, I still felt like shit.

We got to the pool and there weren’t many people there, just a few people sitting out in the sun and then a group of kids.

“Come in the pool with me.” Harry said nodding his curly hair towards the clear water.

I wrinkled my nosed and glanced back up at him through my aviators. “Why?”

“Because that’s what it’s for.” He said laughing. He took his shirt off, exposing his abdomen, which to no surprise was nicely toned. “Come on.”

I sighed, flicking my flip flops off and unzipping my sundress. Harry awkwardly looked away as I took it off.

“Harry, you’re so awkward.” I laughed, folding my dress and setting it on the lounge chair where the rest of my stuff was.

“I’m giving you your space!” He shrugged and laughed. “You always give me that judge-y look when I check you out.”

I just stared at him for a second. Really?

“There. Right there.” He said pointing at me. “You’re judging me right now.

I just laughed and rolled my eyes.

Harry stayed quiet for a moment.

“You’re so skinny.” He said poking my ribs.

“Stop.” I said smacking his hand away.

“Do you eat anything?” He joked with an amused look on his face.

I smiled and let out a fake laugh tory to hide how much his comment actually hurt and scared me.

I looked down and bit my lip shamefully and tried to hide it from him.

“Are you alright?” He asked gauging my emotions. “I was kidding.”

I nodded and bit my lip again. I wanted to turn to him right there in the middle of the sidewalk and tell him everything about my ED, but everything seemed to stop me.

“Shut up and get in.” I said putting my hands on his shoulder and back and pushing him in, sending him plunging into what turned out to be very cold water.

Harry’s POV

Suddenly everything clicked for me.

“Stop.” She said smacking my hands away.

Her skin coated her ribs tightly and her stomach was sunken in.

I poked at her ribs again. “Do you eat anything?” I joked.

I felt terrible once she huffed and looked down. She looked away and just stood there for a second while it was awkward.

“Are you alright?” I asked quietly, trying to turn her to face me. “I was kidding.”

She nodded and bit her lip before taking another few steps towards the pool behind me. “Shut up and get in.” She said pushing me into the water.

Everything made so much sense. The reasons why she was so skinny and slender.

All of the excuses for why she wouldn’t go out to dinner, or eat over at my house.

Why she hated going shopping. And now, why she reacted to what I said to her.

I had learned about eating disorders in school. It was part of our health ed, but I had never figured out that someone had it.

After she broke down and we had a long talk a while ago in my apartment, I had stopped flirting and stuff like that, but only because she wanted me to stop, but in all honestly, I still adored her.

I didn’t even know how to go about asking her about it. Was it rude to ask someone if they had an eating disorder if all of the signs where there?

Would she absolutely hate me?

I watched her as she jumped in the pool after me.

She looked so fragile and I didn’t want her to break.

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