Chapter 5

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This one's a bit longer because I'm probably gonna only have the time to update once today! :( Stupid work, but oh well.

Enjoy! Also talk to me a bit! :D

xoxo Ar

I sat in the cab on the ride back from Sophia’s office. Signing onto a contract where I would fake date Harry Styles, a huge pop star didn’t feel right, but an extra $2,000 a week sure felt nice.

My head was spinning from my empty stomach and it grumbled beneath me.

“You can let me out here.” I said softly as the cabby pulled over and released me in front of a grocery store.

I went in, my credit card in hand and my stomach grumbling. I piled up a basket with bread, cookies and any kind of sweets that I could find and checked out.

“Hey, you’re Ainslie Parsons.” The cashier said to me with wide eyes.

“Yeah.”  I smiled nervously, trying to be polite.

She eyed me for a second while ringing up what I was about to binge on and then asked, “Are you dating Harry Styles?”

I sighed, not knowing how to answer. “We’re good friends.” I added a smile at the end.

How was I supposed to just all of a sudden come out saying “Yeah, a guy that I’ve known for a day and a half is now my boyfriend?”

“It was nice meeting you.” I said after the awkward silence, grabbing my bags and walking away.

I felt a little less bad about binging because I was walking home a mile or two.

My mind kept thinking back and forth. Should I give all of this food to all of the other girls? Should I throw it into traffic right now and just start running?

I felt exhausted. I could just eat it all and then purge it all up and I’d be fine.

I kept running over how I wanted to do it in my mind.

In the house, we all tried to hide when we’d purge, but it never worked. We all knew what was going on. We weren’t stupid.

I walked into the flat and ignored everyone as I ran up to my room, bags of groceries in my hands, hating myself.

As soon as I set the bags down on my bed, my phone started ringing.

Harry Styles. Of course.

“Hello?” I said into my phone, trying to simultaneously slip out of my boots.

“Hey.” He said.

I sighed and before he could say anything else, I blankly said, “Listen Harry, you’re a really cool guy, but I’m only doing this for the money and for my career. I don’t want you to get things twisted.”

It sounded ten times harsher than I had intended it to be. I felt like a bitch.

Harry’s POV

Great. She wasn’t interested in me whatsoever and now she was forced to date me for the next few months. Fantastic.

“I understand that.” I said slowly. There was some obvious hurt in my voice. I felt kind of offended that she wasn’t even looking forward to it. She didn’t even see how it’d be fun at all…

“I’m sorry.” She said quietly.

I shook my hair out and looked around my kitchen, completely messy from Louis and Eleanor making cookies beforehand. “It’s fine.” I said slowly. “Ehm, I just got a call from my manager saying that they want us go out clubbing tomorrow night.”

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