1- Carrots

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(Anne's POV)

Ugh. Mornings. I hate them with a passion sometimes, don't get me wrong, I love the beauty of a sunrise and how the sun hits the trees, bringing them to life, but I hate waking up.

It's 6 am, and a Monday. School time, lovely. It's my Junior year at Avonlea High School, and I couldn't be happier to get it over with. I love school and learning, but I hate the people there. Especially Billy Andrews and Josie Pye.

I get up and hop in the shower, the cold water jerking me awake. I get lost in my daydreaming but Matthew snaps me out of it by yelling from downstairs, "Anne! Hurry up! Jerry and Diana are here and are ready to leave!" I quickly hop out of the shower and brush my long red hair and put it into a pony tail.

Diana barges into my room, her dark brown hair up in a messy bun and she's wearing her usual ripped jeans and a t-shirt.

"Good morning! Are you almost ready? Do you need help picking out clothes?" She asks, seeing me staring at my closet like it's a foreign place. She loves fashion, and since I have zero fashion sense, it's a lifesaver sometimes.

She picks me out a pair of ripped dark blue skinny jeans and a red blouse to go with it. I lace up my white converse, grab my bag, and race downstairs.

"Bye Marilla! Bye Matthew!" I yell as I grab a piece of toast and run out the door.

In Diana's silver Altima is Jerry, Ruby, and Charlie. Charlie sits up front with Diana, Ruby and Jerry sit in the back with me.

"So Ruby, how's Jerry?" I ask while he has his headphones in.

She elbows me and points over to Jerry, who is looking out the window listening very loudly to some Maroon 5.

We pull into the school parking lot to be greeted by none other than Billy Andrews. We park and hop out, hoping we can go unbothered today.

"Look at all those clowns" Billy says, laughing with the rest of his friends. I pull out my phone to try and ignore him.

As I'm walking by, he takes my phone and holds it above his head, knowing I can't reach it.

"Give it back, Billy, I don't have time for games" I say with a pleading voice. He looks at me and shakes his head, "Dogs love to play games, how about we play fetch?" he runs off with my phone and I chase after him. All off a sudden, a tall muscular boy with brown curly hair stands in front of Billy. Billy stops and hands him the phone, knowing he doesn't wanna get into another fight with him.

This boy is none other than Gilbert Blythe. He takes my phone and walks over to me and hands it to me, smiling.

"Thanks Gil. I would've never caught him" I say, out of breath.

"Now, we all know Anne Cuthbert would've found a way" he says, laughing. I laugh along with him and notice how cute he is when he laughs.

No Anne, what are you thinking?

We walk into school together, which is unusual. We usually barely talk despite having 3 classes together.

"So how have you been?" I ask

"I've been alright. My aunt had to go to Toronto for the rest of the month, so things are quiet at the house" he says, a bit of sadness crosses his face but he looks back at me and smiles. His aunt has stayed with him since his dad was sick, and when he passed she helped him keep the farm running.

"Oh, I'm sorry . You can always stop by Green Gables if you want" I tell him, he gives me a thankful smile and we keep walking. He stops and looks at me, excitement on his face.

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