4- Enemy

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(Anne's POV)

Ugh. It's Monday again. Which means I have to see him again.

By him, I mean Gilbert Blythe.

I wake up and do the usual, shower, do makeup, fix my hair.

I put my hair in a messy bun and throw on some jeans and a black sweatshirt. The usual I'm-sad-leave-me-alone look. I hurry downstairs where Diana and Jerry are already waiting for me.

"Hey..." Jerry says, he walks up to me and wraps me in a hug.

I haven't seen either of them since Saturday, the day after the party. The day Gilbert Blythe ruined our friendship forever.

This is worse than when he called me Carrots.

We get into the car and drive to school. It's a long and silent car ride.

Classes are horrible. Josie and Billy stare and laugh at me and Gilbert.

I can't even look him in the eye.

I walk into my English class and sit at my desk, and Gilbert sits right beside me. We ignore each other and wait for the teacher to come in.

"Good morning class!" Miss Stacy, our teacher, chimes from the back of the room.

"Today we are going to start our English projects! I'm going to assign everyone a partner and that will be your partner for each project for the rest of the year" she goes behind her desk and grabs a piece of paper and starts reading off the partners.

"Ruby, your partner will be Jerry!" Miss Stacy says, Jerry and Ruby give each other a smile and he kisses her cheek.

"Anne, your partner will be Gilbert" she says, I look at her and my jaw drops.

I look over to Jerry and he has the same expression as I do.

She did not just make Gilbert Blythe my partner.

At the end of class I walk up to her desk, hoping to change her mind.

"Miss Stacy, don't you think I'd work better with Jane or someone else? Anyone else but Gilbert?"

"Anne, these partners are final. I can't change them now, don't worry! You two will work great together!" she says, she taps me on the shoulder and walks to the door.

We will not work great together, that's for sure.

I walk to lunch and tell everyone about my not-so-fortunate partnering.

"I'm sorry Anne, I'm sure everything will work out" Diana says, giving me an apologetic look.

All of a sudden everyone is staring behind me, I turn around and who do I see? Gilbert Blythe. Walking over to our table.

"He isn't"

"Oh he better not"

"Diana can I have your cookie?"

We all turn to Charlie, who isn't taking this situation seriously.

"No! We have bigger issues than a cookie!" Diana says, slapping Charlie on the arm.

Gilbert takes a seat next to Charlie and we all stare at him in shock, only a fool come to the table knowing they were an enemy of us. I mean, Diana and Ruby are crazy when it comes to protecting their friends.

Gilbert and Charlie are chatting when Jerry walks up to the table and just stands there, taken back by the fact Gilbert was there.

"Gilbert I genuinely have to ask, are you stupid?" Jerry asks with a completely straight face.

Gilbert ignores him, which makes Jerry even more mad.

"Bitch, I'm talking to you" Jerry says, getting in Gilbert's face. We are all shocked at Jerry, he's never acted like this before.

"And I'm ignoring you" Gilbert says, mocking Jerry. Jerry sets his tray down and turns back to Gilbert, "I suggest you answer me before you end up on your ass" Jerry says, slamming his fist on the table.

Gilbert gets up and the boys are face to face. Jerry isn't scared, he's taken Gilbert on before, Jerry is around the same size as Gilbert, both of them are dangerous when they wanna be.

I stand up and get between them, "Stop it, you are both acting like fools, especially you Gilbert" I say, trying to get them to sit down.

"Sit down Shirley, this is between me and Baynard here" Gilbert says, giving me a cold stare.

"You sit down Blythe. Neither of you are going to throw a punch while I'm standing here" I say, I know Gilbert, despite being an ass he would never put me in harms way.

They both walk away.

I sit back down and burst into tears, I hate this. Everything is so messed up, our friend group is falling apart and so is my heart.

"Aw, what's wrong Anne?" Josie mocks as she's walking by, that pushes me to my breaking point. I run out of the lunch room and down the hallway until I reach an exit door. I keep running until I'm far from the school, far from anything really. My legs tire and I eventually fall into the leaves, laying on my back staring up into the beautiful oak trees, the sun shining through the thick branches.

I sit up and realize where I am, I walk towards the little hut that used to be where me, Ruby, Diana and Cole would meet up before he moved. After a while Ruby stopped coming, too caught up with Jerry, then it was me and Diana. We eventually stopped going too.

I walk inside, and it's just as we left it, but with a lot more dust. I open the little chest where we used to keep old stories and read through them.

I come across a story about a princess fighting her worst enemy, who she's head over heels in love with.

"How fitting" I say aloud, once I realize what I said, I shake my head.

No Anne, you are not in love with Gilbert.

I continue reading, story after story. Time goes by so fast I don't realize the sun is setting.

Marilla and Matthew will be furiously worried, but I can't convince myself to get up.

I hear footsteps and immediately stand up, well kind of stand up. I grab a stick and hold it out, as if it'll do me any good.

All off a sudden Diana's head pops in the hut, I sigh in relief and sit back down.

"Wow, were you going to hit me with a stick?" Diana says, laughing.

"Only if you want me to" I shoot back. We both laugh.

"Haven't been here in a while" Diana says, picking up the old stories and trinkets in the chest.

"I know. This used to be my favorite place" I look up at the ceiling, bits of it are gone and you can see stars twinkling in the sky.

"I'm sorry Anne" Diana says suddenly, I look back at her, confused.

"Why? You didn't do anything" I say, she puts the book she has down and looks at me, her eyes watery.

"You don't deserve everything that's happening to you, I hate to see people be so cruel to you and I can't do anything" Diana says, her tears flowing down now.

I wrap my arms around her and we stay like that for a while, two best friends who have been through so much together. Diana is by far my bestest friend here in Avonlea, and I hope that never changes.

Gilbert may think he's broken me, but he hasn't. I have friends by my side, he chose to betray me and go against me, and that's his own fault.

Gilbert Blythe will pay for his actions.

sorry this is bad and probably has so many errors i wrote it while i was sleep deprived and i still am oof


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