3- Godawful

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(Anne's POV)

I wake up with a pounding headache and the urge to puke my guts out.

I'm in Gilbert's bed, but he's nowhere to be seen. I sit up and untangle myself out of the covers. I stand up and immediately sit back down. I sit for a few minutes and stand back up, holding on to the wall. I make my way downstairs and stop when I hear two familiar voices, one which I am not happy to hear.

Gilbert talking to Josie Pye.

I move farther down the stairs so I can hear what's being said.

"So, you two kissed?" Josie asks Gilbert, I assume she's talking about me after the events of last night.

"Well, more of she kissed me" Gilbert says, "Then after she got drunk she came back upstairs and well, we can assume where that went"

I'm gonna kill him.

"Did y'all....?" Josie asks. I hear Gilbert laugh, and Josie slaps the table and laughs along with him.

He did not just say we slept together.

I stay on the stairs, unable to move. tears are flowing down my face but no sound is coming out. I can't move, I can't even speak. Josie walks out the door and I hear Gilbert coming towards the stairs and I can't be bothered to move.

"Oh, good morning Anne!" he says like he didn't just talk to Josie Pye about what happened.

"You cunt!" I shout. I run down the stairs and push him on the couch. I find my shoes and struggle to put them on.

"Hey! What the hell is your problem?" Gilbert says. I ignore him and run out the door, and I don't stop. I keep running and running until I reach Diana's house.

Diana is outside in the yard when she sees me. She notices my face and come running towards me.

"Anne! What happened? Are you okay?" she asks, a worried look overtaking her face.

I can't speak. I just can't get the words to form right, I fall to the ground and she falls with me. I sit there in her arms crying, for what feels like forever.

Eventually I settle down and manage to get the story out to her, "Gilbert told Josie we slept together" I say, more tears dripping down.

"I'm gonna kill him!" Diana shouts. She helps me stand up and gets me into the car.

I assumed she was taking me home but when we took a left instead of a right, I knew exactly where we were going.

Gilbert Blythe's house.

"Diana, please no, I can't face him!" I plead, not wanting to see his face.

"He is not going to get away with this"

(Diana's POV)

I walk up to Gilbert Blythe's door, mad as can be.

Anne wouldn't come up to the door with me so it's just me, and Gilbert.

Someone pray for him.

He opens the door and is obviously startled and confused as to why I'm here.

"Uh, Charlie isn't here" he says and tries to close the door, I put my foot against it and stop him, he closes his eyes and opens the door back up.

"Blythe, you've really done it this time. What the fuck is wrong with you?" I say, my temper getting the best of me like it always does.

"What does it matter?"

"You broke Anne's heart, I'm not gonna sit back this time and let you hurt her over and over"

He rolls his eyes and tries to shut the door again, which sets me off on a rampage.

I push the door back open and punch Gilbert Blythe right in the face. He falls back into the wall and holds his face.

"Jesus Diana, was that necessary?" Jerry says, coming in from the backyard.

"Yes in fact it was, he broke Anne's heart" Jerry looks at Gilbert, who has blood coming from his nose.

Jerry walks over to Gilbert and shoves him into the wall, "What did you do to Anne?" he shouts, Gilbert just stands there, unfazed.

"Diana, what did he do?" Jerry asks, looking to me now.

"He told Josie him and Anne slept together" I explain, Jerry looks back at Gilbert and shoves him back into the wall.

"If you ever come near Anne again, I'll kill you myself so Diana doesn't have to" Jerry's eyes are wild with rage. I never knew he was this protective of Anne.

He lets Gilbert go and we both walk out of the house. Anne is standing by the car and runs and hugs Jerry. I explain how he defended her and she hugs him even tighter.

"Thank you Diana, and you too Jerry. I don't deserve either of you as a friend" she holds Jerry tight in a hug and grabs my hand and squeezes it. We get into the car and head back to my house.

"I just wanna sleep" Anne says. Her eyes red and puffy from crying.

"Food first, I doubt you've eaten today"

Once I get inside I tell Anne to go upstairs and lay down. I fix her some biscuits and chocolate gravy, since chocolate is always the cure for a heartbreak.

I bring her food upstairs along with a glass of milk, she sits up and smiles at me.

"Diana Barry, you are truly a gift" she says, I laugh and hand her the food. She eats every single bite and drinks all of the milk.

"Ah, I feel much better now"

I bring the dishes downstairs and put them in the sink, I check my phone, and of course I have a text from Charlie.

My Love: check insta chat, NOW!

Me: Why? What is going on?

My Love: just check it!

I click off our texts and check the group chat.

Josie: They has sex! Anne and Gilbert had sex!

Me: Josie shut your mouth, you don't know anything.

Gilbert: Josie let's just stop talking about it.

Me: Gilbert, you've hurt Anne. Good luck ever getting that friendship back.

Billy: Like he wanted it anyway lmao! who wants to be friends with an ugly orphan?

Me: Who added Billy here anyway? shoo shoo, peasant.

I put my phone down and stand there, poor Anne. She doesn't deserve this.

I remember Anne is in the group chat and instantly run upstairs.

There she is, crying into a pillow. I run over to her and engulf her, she turns over and hugs me back and we lay there, for what feels like hours.

"Diana, what did I do to deserve this?" she asks.

"Nothing. Gilbert is just godawful"

We lay there until we fall asleep.

Ahhhh! Some good Diana/Anne moments! I love them sm #friendshipgoals! Sorry I haven't updated! I honestly haven't had time:/ I'll do better though! What do y'all think happened with Gilbert? Why is he saying that stuff? Leave your guess in the comments!


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