6- Reunion

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(Anne's POV)

Today is perfect.

The sunrise is beautiful, the way the sun shines through the clouds makes the blends of orange and pink oh so more beautiful. Almost as if it's shining through a thick cloth. The birds chirp such beautiful songs and the trees dance in a breeze.

Today is the day my best friend comes back to Avonlea.

Cole has been gone well over a month, after his parents kicked him out for being gay.

I never knew people could be so discriminative, hating and banishing someone just because they love somebody

Since then he went to live with Ms. Barry, or as we like to call her Aunt Joe. She's a kind hearted woman who lost the love of her life a few years back, Gertrude. I never met her but from the sounds of it she was an amazing woman.

After breakfast, I meet Diana at the cafe.

"I'm so excited to see Cole!" she squeals.

"So am I!" I squeal back, we lock hands and jump up and down like we used to when we were younger.

We sit and wait for them, we are rather early so it's not a surprise they aren't here.

As we sit and wait, a familiar and unpleasant face walks in.

Gilbert. Of course.

He usually comes here but it's always much later.

He thankfully doesn't stay long, he orders his coffee, says a few words to Diana, then leaves.

After about an hour, we see Aunt Joe's car pull up.

We run outside and crash into Cole, who has grown much taller than he already was. His hair is longer and darker, not to mention he put on a bit of muscle.

"Diana! Anne! I am sooooo happy to see you guys!" he says, his voice much deeper than it used to be.

"So are we! I missed you so much" I say, hugging him tightly.

We spend the day catching up, I tell him about the Gilbert situation, which he isn't pleased with.

"Do I need to have words with this boy? I'll go all Klaus Mikaelson on his ass!" Cole says, pulling out a pen and holding it like a knife.

"You and your Vampire Diaries" Diana says, rolling her eyes, we laugh and sit back, enjoying the moment.

"I really missed you guys" Cole says, his eyes tearing up. We engulf him in another hug and squeeze him.

"We missed you too" Diana and I say at the same time.

We drive towards Green Gables, passing Gilbert's house on the way. I stare out the window towards his house, my heart aches for him, and I have no idea why.

He hurt me, badly. I shouldn't even care about him, why do I care about him?

I have to forget him, he's not worth my time.

"We're here!" Diana says, we all jump out and run inside the house. Marilla and Jerry are there to greet us.

"Hello Diana! Hello Cole! It's wonderful to see you both!" Marilla greets them, she turns to me, "Anne, Bash and Gilbert will be joining us tonight for dinner so please go get washed up!" she says with a smile, little does she know she just gave me the worst news ever.

"Do they have to come? I was going to go out with Diana and Cole!" I argue, I'll do anything do get out of this dinner.

"Now Anne, we can't be rude. they'll be over at 6, they're gonna watch the game with Matthew as well" Marilla says sternly, there's no point in arguing, I'm stuck.

I walk upstairs and plug my phone up, Cole and Diana follow and we all plop down on the bed.

"I'm gonna come out to everyone tonight" Cole blurts out, we all sit up and look at him, confused.

"Why?" Diana asks, turning her head at him.

"Because I feel like I have to. Is that weird? I don't know, I just feel like I'm lying to everyone by not telling them" Cole says, throwing his arms around.

"Cole, your sexuality shouldn't matter. You're still a person, you're still Cole" I say, trying to make him feel better.

He shakes his head and rolls over, away from us. I sigh and get up to get ready for dinner. I decide to wear black sweatpants with a red sweatshirt, I don't want Gilbert to think I'm dressing up for him.

"I'm scared" I say, frantically pacing the room.

"Anne, if Gilbert says anything me and Diana can take care of him" Cole says, grabbing my hand to stop me.

"Diana and I" Diana corrects him, Cole shoots her a dirty look and rolls his eyes.

"Okay, okay. Let's go downstairs" I say.

As we walk down the stairs Cole holds my hand and Diana locks her arm with mine.

Before we reach to bottom we see Bash, he greets us with a smile and a wave.

And then, of course, Gilbert walks through the door and stares up at us.

His eyes lock with mine and we hold each other's glare for what feels like hours, until he breaks it by looking down at me and Cole's hands.

His face turns angry, almost completely red.

Is he jealous? Why would he be jealous of Cole?

This is gonna be a long dinner.

oof i suck at updating i'm sorry this is short next chapter will be longer

Please don't be a silent reader!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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