2- Party

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(Anne's POV)

The last bell rings and we are all free for the weekend.

I walk to my locker to put my things away and spot Gilbert walking towards the parking lot. I follow him hoping to get some words in before the party.

We haven't spoken since the night at the movie theater. He won't even sit with us at lunch. He's been sitting with Billy Andrews and all the other boys, which is unlike him.

"Gilbert!" I shout at him, he starts walking faster, giving away that he heard me.

"Gilbert Blythe you stop right now and talk to me!" I shout at him again, he's at his truck now and fixing to hop in, but I run and close the door before he can even get it halfway open.

"What do you want?" he asks in a foul tone, glaring at me from the side.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask, this horrible sad feeling building in my stomach.

"You. You are what's wrong with me and everybody else here!" he says coldly. I try and hide that his words hurt me, but I can't.

Before I can say anything else, Billy comes over and joins in on the fight.

"Oh wow freak, your friend hurt your feelings?" he taunts. A tear manages to slip out, I wipe it away before Billy can see.

"Leave me alone, Billy. This is none of your business"

"Yeah Billy, leave her alone" Gilbert surprisingly says.

"Blythe, I'll never understand your stupid loyalty to this girl. It almost seems like you lo-" before Billy can say another thing, Gilbert grabs him and shoves him into the side of his truck,

"Listen here Andrews, I'm sick and tired of your mouth. If I see you even glancing at me or Anne, I'll make sure it's the last thing you ever do, hear me?" Gilbert lets him go and shoves him away. Billy runs off to his car and sits on the hood with his sisters.

I look at Gilbert in a way I never have before. Even when he's mad at me he'll still defend me.

"Thank you Gil, and I'm sorry for whatever I did to you" I say, he turns to me and I see the hurt on his face.

"It's me who should be apologizing. I'm sorry Anne, you deserve better than me. I hope I can make it up to you tonight, if you still want to come" he says, his hand slightly touches mine.

"Of course"

This lights Gilbert up. He engulfs me in a hug and we stay like that for a good 3 minutes.

"Awwww! How cute!" Diana says from behind us. I shoot her a death glare and she laughs.

Gilbert for some reason blushes, we all wave goodbye and agree to meet at his house at 7:30.

Now, the master plan begins.

The plan is, Diana is telling her parents she's spending the night with Ruby, Ruby is telling her parents she's spending the night with Diana, and I'm telling Matthew and Marilla I'm spending the night with Diana, Ruby, and Jane.

After convincing Marilla and Matthew, I run upstairs to pack my things.

Group chat

Bestieee: So? everyone good to go?

Me: Yep!

Rubs: Yup!

Gil: U guys gonna be here around 7 right?

Jerryy: I'll probably be a bit late, so 7:30 for me.

Bestieee: I'm picking Anne and Ruby up at 6:30 so we'll be there at 7.

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