5- Betrayed

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(Gilbert's POV)

Today has been awful.

I got paired with Anne, Jerry tried to fight me, and then Anne ran off.

I hate to see her hurting, but she hurt me, in so many ways.

2 days earlier, the day after the party

I wake up to my head pounding and a certain redhead at my side, I turn to look at her sleeping face, gosh she's so beautiful.

The events of last night swarm back to me, the dare, the kiss, everything.

I stand up and find my phone, I check the notifications and put it back down, not wanting to be bothered to text anyone back. I notice Anne's phone is beside mine and she has a few text messages.

Cole💞: anneeee! wake up! i miss you!

Cole💞: babeeeeeee you best wake up i got news!!

Cole💞: i'm coming back to avonlea! aunt joe is coming to visit diana and i'm coming with!!

Cole💞: you get to see me again!

Cole💞: we can finally go to the beach together!

I'm heartbroken. I can't believe this.

She kisses me but she's with Cole? How could she do this to me? I thought she liked me?

I slam the phone down and run downstairs. I'm greeted by no other than Josie Pye. Great.

"So Gilbert..." she starts, I look up from the table and see her walking closer, "I heard you and Anne kissed last night"

My heart aches, the memories of last night flooding back. I can't bare to think of it, and I just start talking.

"Uh, more of she kissed me!"

(end of flashback)

This week has been awful and it just now started. I can't stand to be in so much pain.

I loved Anne, I really did. But now my feelings have been replaced with hurt and sadness. I can't believe she would do this to me.

I feel so betrayed. I've liked Anne since the day I called her Carrots and she hit me over the head, and I always thought behind all the anger she liked me too.

When I kissed her cheek at her 15th birthday party I thought things would be different. She had blushed so much that night and so did I. I thought our feelings were something deeper than just friendship.

I guess not.

After school I head back to my house, not even bothering to text Anne about our project.

I walk in and fall into the couch, a sound of complete discomfort leaves my mouth and I lay there in complete disparity.

I get a text from Anne, surprisingly, causing me to sit up.

Carrots❤️: hey....when do you wanna work on our project?

Me: idk. tomorrow i guess.

Carrots❤️: ok. see you then i guess

Even though we are enemies now, even her texting me causes me to blush.

I hate how things are, but I'm heartbroken. I can't even think about seeing Anne in school, even though I used to always look forward to it.

I feel horrible for what I did to Anne. It's been eating me alive. But she hurt me, that's no excuse but still.

She betrayed me.

oops this chapter is short! I'm sorry I haven't been updating! I'll try to update for frequently lol


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