Into A Tangled Web

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Alec fights the spider's grip like a fly trying to escape a spiderweb, but his efforts prove useless, and he finds himself pinned against a desk in what appears to be another library. This is it, he realizes. This is where I die. "M-my friends..," he stammers at his captor "They're gonna avenge my death. They killed a vampire. Beat an Ungodly Machine. They'll kill you too.". She smiles, more of toothy smirk than anything else, "Aren't you sweet." Her voice almost gives a snake hiss. Before Alec can muster up enough courage to reply, she stabs a needle into the side of his neck. He cries out, but the sensation isn't as painful as he thought it was going to be—to him it feels like getting a shot at the doctor's office. "Just do it..." he groans involuntarily as his world begins to spin in slow motion "...make it quick...please...". The spider shakes her head, her smirk still plastered to her face "You're not ready yet.". Whatever chemicals, the spider woman injected in him with the needle, proved too strong for Alec's body to resist. He sinks into unconsciousness, where his deceased friends, so far, wait for him.

"What the fuck was that?" Trey demands to know, voice going on the higher side. "Hell if I know" is Octavia'd disgruntled response.

So let's see: first they lost Wyatt to the vampires, Cassidy got killed in a damn ungodly machine then we get told by some sorceress bitch that we're all going to die, then we got attacked by a freakin' spider of all things, and now poor ol'Alec has been carted off to most likely his death. This party is shaping up to be the worst one ever thrown.

Devon narrows his eyes "That was definitely a spider...woman...". "How are we getting out?" Alexis asks, they try the door that Alec was whisked through, but it's locked. "We are trapped," says Cole with a sigh.

Trapped. Dammit. So we're stuck in here. Alec could be dying right now, and we're completely useless in saving him.

The weaker part of Mary wants to curl up on the nearest couch and cry. But that's before Sophia comes through with an observation that just might salvage this hopeless situation. "What is this box?" She shakes a reddish-white box that, until now, was sitting unattended on a table "Come here! Look at this!". Kiersten and Bryan read the note that's with the box out loud
"Break the seal and pour."
Confusion fills Tamaya's face "Break seal and pour what?". "Something that fits in here," Rita replies, pointing to the openings on the box's lid. Daniel looks around the room "It's probably a wine glass or something," he remarks, and that's when they notice a bunch of wine bottles sitting on another table.

That's weird because I don't remember those being there before

"Wait!" Olivia exclaims "Try the corks!" pointing at them. Nancy seconds her idea "The corks! Maybe...". "Ohh, smart." Nyadhol gestures to her head and begins to take the corks off the bottles "Let's try it.".

I personally hope that we'll be able to drink the wine once we're done. The glass I had earlier has worn off, and I could really use a drink right now

Kiersten shakes her head, watching Mary gaze at the alcohol "Nope. Don't even think about it.". Catching Mary off guard, "Girlll I wasn't even thinking about it." She protests and Kiersten giggles with a smile "I know you. You are not drinking.".

It's clear that none of these idiots know what they're doing. They're lost. They're always lost without me. Like you need me, Trey, to be smart about things. Obviously

Olivia remembers the golden goblet that she obtained after completing the race.

Come to think of it, we haven't really had a purpose with it. Not since I got it, so obviously this has to do something. Because if not, why would I have raced for it?

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