It's Almost Sunrise

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Ten minutes ago, I thought I was going home! Now, the Sorceress has the crown, and just about every fucking monster we've faced is back!

The sun is about to rise...We don't have much time left!

It's almost fucking six o'clock!

"Oh my god," Rita gasps. "You guys..."

The doors burst open, and Cash storms into the room. The seven survivors scream in unison, run through another door, and slam it right on his face. "Lock it!" Trey shouts. Octavia ain't need to be told twice.

Cash bangs against the door. "You can't hide forever, you cowards!"

"Aw hell no," says Amarie once the noise dies down a bit. "What the hell just happened? That bitch literally stole the crown from us. We did all that work!"

"We defeated all of them, fair and square!" Alexis protests.

Alec's voice is firm. "They're back. It doesn't matter what happened. They're here now."

"Well, now we're literally trapped in whatever room this is." groans Trey.

"You guys." Rita knows by now that she always has to check her surrounds, and this time she finds a dollhouse.

The dollhouse has a glass box with like a small blonde doll inside.

"Doesn't this look like the girl that was, like, trapped in the box?"

Daniel takes the doll out of her box, scratching his head. "I have no idea."

There's also a tiny book in the dollhouse.

"Is there anything in the little book?" Alexis mutters as she takes a peek. "Wait!"

My name is Riley, and I am the child the Sorceress once was...the child that was hurt and sealed away so she might become a monster. I am her link to the Cursed God's magic she wields. If you free me from my prison, the Sorceress will be stripped of her power. Please save me. I just want to go outside and play like all the other girls.

"Basically, she has the crown, but we can still defeat her if we find this girl or something?" Trey asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"This is Riley." states Alexis, holding up the blonde doll.

"Basically, the goodness left of the Sorceress is in this girl." Alec clarifies.

Rita turns her attention to two other dolls. "Well, that means these are the two other girls she wants to be with right?"

"Please save me," Daniel repeats. "I just want to go outside and play like all the other girls."

Alexis springs right into action. "We put her here!" she puts the Riley doll with the others.

A door slides open.

"Guys?" Amarie gasps.

"What the heck?" Alec runs to investigate, as do the others. "A secret passage!"

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