Chapter 5

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Chapter 5- Skyfall

We are standing outside of the rogue's house waiting for the right moment so I can teleport inside. Most of the rogues have left, we aren't exactly sure why, but we know it will be our best window for me. When the last rogue leaves we go back over the plan one more time so we don't completely screw everything up.

"I am going to teleport in and if I am not out in ten minutes you can go ahead with your plan to storm the place. We ready?" I asked.

"Whenever you are." Alpha Simmons said.

I teleport inside the house, inside the kitchen. I roam around trying to be as quiet as possible. I don't see anything suspicious or to lead me to think that this wasn't like any other normal house. I went upstairs first because I figured that would be the easiest part of the house to clear. I looked through every nook and cranny and there wasn't a single thing that was sketchy in the least. 

Most of the rooms in this house looked like teenage boys lived in them and I rolled my eyes when I found playboy magazines in drawers, and quickly put them back into place not wanting to touch them any longer than I had to. I went back down to the main floor to look around, but there wasn't much to look in. the place had the bare minimum of furniture and had almost no cabinets or places to hide things. When I got the back of the house I went to the door that I thought was the backdoor, and when I opened it I saw stairs leading down to a basement.

As soon as I opened that door I knew something wasn't right. Noise burst through the threshold of the doorway and it was so cold down here. The main thing that I noticed though was the smell, it was the smell of rot and blood. I covered my mouth to keep from gagging as I walked down the stairs into the basement. My hopes were lifted when I saw cells down here and thought that Mark would be in one of them. The instantly sank when I didn't see a boy in here that looked like the boy from the pictures Alpha Simmons showed me.

When I saw everyone in here my heart went out to them most were filthy and grungy looking. Some were bone thin and it looked like some were already dead. There was a pile of bodies in the corner and I couldn't stand to look at them. Some of the wolves in the cells looked at me and growled when I came in and others were too weak to even care what came through the door anymore.

"I am here to get you all out and help you." I said to them to reassure them. "I'll be back in a second to get you out."

The growling stopped, but there was no reply or reaction to what I said. I knew it would take more than the time I had left to get everyone out of the cells so I went back outside to tell everyone. When I came up to them the stood and waited for my report.

"There was no sign of Mark in there, but there are other wolves trapped down there and we need to get them out. Most of them look as if they are dead are inches from it. I might need your help to get them all out of there." I said and directed the last part to Alpha Simmons and Alpha Peterson.

We went back inside the house and then made our way down to the basement. We couldn't find the keys so Alpha Simmons got a crowbar and unhinged all of the locks from the bars. No one moved when the doors had opened so we went inside and slowly ushered them all out of their cells and up the stairs into the light of the house. When they got outside some of them started crying and shouted in joy.

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