Part 3

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Before it got close Kun caught up and pulled me into his chest onto the sidewalk. The car flew past us and kept going. I gripped onto the front of his shirt in fear and buried my face also. He put a hand on my head and on my back before setting his chin on the top of my head, holding me close. After a few seconds he lifted my head till our eyes met. I didn't realize I had been crying until he wiped them away with his thumb.

"It's okay, your safe," he says sweetly. I nodded and let go of his shirt.

"T-Thank you again Kun," I say calming down. I noticed that there was tear stains on his shirt where I had been. I laughed and pointed at it.

"Oops," I laugh as he giggled too. He patted my head one last time before we crossed the street.

"We should do this again, soon. Well besides the both of us almost being ran over," Kun laughs as we stopped in front of my building.

"I agree, since tomorrow is saturday, why not then?" I ask, he nodded before pulling out his phone.

"Sweet! My schedule is clear tomorrow, so yes! We should. What time?" he asks before putting his phone away.

"Hmm 10?" I ask. He nodded.

"Yep sounds good, I will be waiting out here. See you then," he says before I waved and he walked away as I went inside. When I got up to my room I ran over to my phone and turned it on. I added Kun before setting an alarm to leave at 10. Even though I just had lunch with Kun, I was still hungry and found some snacks to munch on before watching some tv. Suddenly I got a call from my boss.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hi Ms. Kim, could you come in tomorrow? Ms. Park cancelled at last minute and we have no one to come in," Mrs. Lee asks me.

"Oh Mrs. Lee! I literally just told someone that I would be meeting them tomorrow," I say sadly.

"Aww you did? That's okay dear, I can make my daughter do it," she says.

"I'm so sorry, I would any other time but, I just met him and it wouldn't be nice of me to say I have to go to work after we just made plans," I say.

"I understand! There has been multiple times that happened to me. But who is this guy? It's not that guy that comes in only on your shift is it? That guy is a creep," she says.

"No, no. His name is Kun, it was funny how we met," I say before explaining to her how we met.

"Aww that sounds lovely. Well I have to get going, have fun tomorrow!" she says before I say bye also and hung up.

Time skip:

I woke up around 8 in the morning. I took a quick shower before getting dressed in something comfy. My usual outfit, leggings and a large, baggy t-shirt, the t-shirt stopped at my upper thighs. I like wearing baggy shirts or sweaters with my leggings. By the time I was done doing my makeup and hair it was 9:45. I texted Kun asking if he ate breakfast. He answered a no and asked if I wanted to go get breakfast in a couple of minutes. I replied with a yes and grabbed my purse and phone before sitting on the couch to watch some tv. My alarm went off telling me it was 10, so I turned the tv off and slid on some shoes before running down the hall to the stairs. When I got down to the lobby, I saw Kun waiting outside with his back facing the door. When I got through the door he had turned around and flashed me a smile.

"Y/N-ah! Are you ready to go get some breakfast?" Kun asks, I nodded.

"Hmm, actually. Do you want to try my cooking? I make good pancakes. My roommates are probably hungry too," Kun says, I nodded again.

"I don't mind," I reply as he smiled again before I followed him inside his building up to his room. When we got up there, it sounded like there was a bunch of people inside. Before he opened the door I stopped him.

"You mentioned roommates right? How many do you have? This looks like a big apartment," I say feeling nervous.

"It's okay, there are only six of them," Kun says nonchalantly.

"Six? Including you?" I ask and he nodded before opening the door. The first person I see is Lucas.

"See! I told you Kun hyung would be back to make us breakfast!" Lucas yells towards a guy with red hair. I hid behind Kun as we took off our shoes and walked into the living room.

"Oh you brought Y/N-ssi with you! Hi! How are you?" Lucas says

"I'm good how about you?" I reply.

"I'm great! Kun hyung can you make us pancakes?" Lucas says turning to Kun.

"Kun-ah, who is this?" the one with red hair asks as more people show up. Kun was right there are six including Kun himself.

"This is my friend Y/N-ah. Remember I told you guys about yesterday," Kun says.

"Y/N-ah, these are my roommates. Taeyong, Jungwoo, Doyoung, Ten and you already know Lucas," Kun says pointing to each.

"Nice to meet all of you," I say bowing politely.

"It's nice to meet you also," some of them say.

"Y/N-ah, want to help me make pancakes?" Kun says, I nodded and followed him into the kitchen. As he pulled out the ingredients I stood in the corner waiting for him. When he noticed he pulled me over to the counter where all the ingredients were gathered.

"Can you start making the batter, while I start the stove?" he asks, I nodded again and did as he said.

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