Part 4

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After a bit we had three plates with tons of pancakes stacked on top.

"How many do you want? We should get ours before Lucas gets in here. That guy can eat," Kun says handing me a plate before getting three pancakes for himself. I put two on mine before drowning them in syrup. He shook his head and laughed when he saw how much syrup I had. He pointed to the dining room and started walking towards it. I followed but almost ran into Lucas.

"Sorry!" he says before running over to the pancakes. I laughed to myself before sitting next to Kun. The others got theirs also and sat down too. Taeyong, the one with red hair, sat down on the other side of me. I adjusted my seat to sit closer to Kun than Taeyong, only because I'm shy girl.

"That's where all the syrup went," Taeyong laughs bumping me with his elbow a bit. I laughed nervously back and nodded. After we ate I followed Kun to his shared room with Lucas. When we got inside I saw a giant lion on one bed. I walked over to it as Kun sat down on the bed.

"Oh yeah," he says laughing nervously.

"It's so cute!" I say trying not to make him feel embarrassed since I have god knows how many stuffed animals at home.

"Did you name it?" I ask sitting next to him while holding the lion in my lap. He shook his head no.

"No? Why not?" I ask, he shrugged. Usually he is the talkative one but now it switched. I decided to leave the lion be and set it behind me before a deck of cards caught my eye. They were sitting on the nightstand next to his bed, so it must be his right? I picked it up and showed Kun.

"What are these for?" I ask as he smiled.

"Magic of course. Want me to show you?" he says, I nodded as he moved down to the floor. I followed and sat across from him, the deck of cards in between us. He made me pick my card which was a Ace of clubs. After he put it back in the deck and put them back in the box, he waved his hands above it. He pulled them back out again.

"The card you chose will be faced down," he says spreading it out until we saw one card face down. I took it but didn't flip it until he nodded.

"Wah!" I say showing him the card.

"Is it your card?" Kun asks as I nodded.

"Thats awesome Kun-ssi!" I say giving him a high five. Suddenly Taeyong entered.

"I'm going to the store, want anything?" he asks giving us a weird look to as why we are on the floor. Kun stood up and nodded.

"Can we go with him? I want to walk around," I ask Kun standing up also. Kun nodded and turned to Taeyong.

"Can we?" he asks, Taeyong nodded. We followed him out of the room towards the front door where Lucas was waiting. I slid on my shoes and grabbed my purse.

"Let's go," Taeyong says as Lucas flashed me a smile and opened the door. I stayed close to Kun as we left the building. As we started walking towards the store, a familiar looking guy ran up to me. When I looked up at him, I realised it was the creep from the coffee shop I work at. He grabbed onto my hand with both of his.

"Y/N-ssi! Why did you cancel at the last minute yesterday?" he asks.

"Wait, your the one Hani unnie set me up with?!" I say shocked while backing up into Kun.

"Of course, can I speak to you privately?" he asks. I tried to take my hand back but he had a tight grip.

"No! Leave me alone," I say pulling harder. Kun understood what was happening and smacked the guys hands, freeing me. Then Kun grabbed my hand and pulled me closer.

"Get lost," Kun says shocking me with how angry he sounded. The guy seemed to get an idea and ran off. I looked up at Kun as he glared after the guy. Lucas and Taeyong didn't look happy and were also glaring at the guy.

"Who was that?" Kun asks as we started walking again. I noticed he still hand my hand but it was warming my cold one so I left it.

"That guy only comes into the coffee shop I work at, when it's my shift. Plus apparently he got Hani unnie to set a blind date with me. I'm happy I cancelled yesterday and went with you instead," I explain shaking my head.

"Don't worry about him anymore," he mutters, I nodded.

"So, which coffee shop do you work at?" he asks changing the subject. I pointed down the road.

"Down there, past the store," I say, he nodded.

"That's cool, if he ever shows up while you are there, call me okay?" he says, I nodded again. When we got to the store he let go, finally realizing he still had my hand. As Taeyong and Lucas went on ahead, Kun and I grabbed a cart and started walking around. I followed Kun around as he got what was on the list. It wasn't much so the four of us could bring it all back. We found Taeyong and Lucas before paying. I tried carrying most of the bags but the three took some from me even though I protested. When we got back I helped Taeyong put the stuff away as Lucas distracted Kun.

"Yah! What are you doing? You are a guest! You shouldn't be doing that!" Kun yells running into the kitchen and took a couple cans away from me. We were done anyway so it didn't matter.

"Too late," I laugh. Kun rolled his eyes and put the cans away. Then Taeyong made lunch and we ate together again like when we had breakfast. I decided that I should get back and stop bothering them.

"I have to get going, thank you for having me over," I say heading to the door. Kun followed after me after the others said bye also.

"Do you work tomorrow?" Kun asks looking at his schedule again. I opened mine and nodded.

"I do, sorry," I say pouting slightly.

"Aww, that's okay. We can hang out again soon," he says stopping at the door frame.

"Okay! Talk to you later Kun-ssi!" I say smiling.

"Oppa! You can call me oppa," he laughs.

"Fine Oppa," I laugh before we said bye and he went back into the room. When I got outside it looked dark because of all the clouds. Before I reached the entrance to my apartment, I felt arms wrap around me and everything turned dark as something went over my eyes. I tried screaming but something hard hit me on the back of the head. I as I was about to pass out, I was lifted off the ground and thrown into a vehicle. As the vehicle started moving I passed out. 

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