Part 5

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I woke up later tied to a chair in what looks like a basement. A cloth was in my mouth so I couldn't call for help. I whipped my head around trying to find a way out. Nothing but a tiny window near the roof. If I wasn't tied, I still wouldn't be able to get out because the window is too high up and I'm short. I growled to myself until I spotted a door. The room is dimly lit from one brown lightbulb, so it was hard to see. At least it is still light outside so I couldn't have been knocked out for long. The chair is chained to the ground so I couldn't move at all. A creak sounded above me making me freeze. The person was walking around but the door didn't move and no one came in. I remembered that I had a tiny knife in my back pocket and reached for it. It wasn't there. I looked down and saw it on the ground next to my foot. I stepped on it and hid it as I heard another creak. Then I heard my ringtone go off above me also.

"Hello?" the person above me says. Thankfully the floor is thin so I can hear what the person is saying but not who called.

"Ah yes. What's your name?" he says.

"Kun-ssi?" the guy says making my eyes widen. I screamed but the cloth muffled it. I think the guy heard me because he chuckled.

"Oh? You heard her? Well, you are not getting her! She is mine!" the guy yells into the phone before hanging up. I immediately knew who it was. It was that dude from earlier today, the one that stalks me. Tears streamed down my face unintentionally, making my eyesight blurry since I couldn't wipe them. I heard a couple more creaks before a door slammed. Then I heard a vehicle drive away. I slid my shoe and sock off with the other foot before grabbing the knife with my monkey toes. Thankfully I'm somewhat flexible enough for my hand to reach my foot and grab the knife. Then I cut at the rope, trying not to cut myself. I paused when I heard police sirens fly past the window.

~Snap! Finally, my one hand was free. I quickly cut the other hand free and untied the cloth. I put my sock and shoe back on and hid the knife before walking quietly over to the door. The idiot left it unlocked! I opened it and it didn't squeak. As I was about to go towards a ladder, I heard a car pull up again.

"Shit," I whisper going back to the chair and sitting down. I wrapped my mouth loosely along with my hands, before acting like I passed out again. The kidnapper came back inside and walked over towards where the ladder lead to. I heard a loud squeal before someone came down the ladder.

*Sorry about it being so short!

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