Letter #5

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The day that Luke's letter had arrived at Alana's house was also the day that Ashton's mother had visited Alana for the first time in weeks

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The day that Luke's letter had arrived at Alana's house was also the day that Ashton's mother had visited Alana for the first time in weeks. The two of them had gotten on rather well ever since Ashton had introduced them four years prior, and Anne always treated Alana as her own and welcomed her with open arms– Anne felt especially for Alana because her mother had always been working when Alana was growing up and so she felt like she never really had a mother. She never had that bond. However the aftermath of Ashton's death had hit them both differently; whilst Alana was filled with pain and sorrow, Anne was filled with denial, and so she blamed Ashton's death, not on his depression, but solely on his wife.

"They might be in here." Alana said softly as she placed a box of old video tapes on the dining table, carefully running her fingers along the labels on each one of them. They were tapes of Ashton singing, playing the drums and the guitar; his favourite pastimes. There was also some random tapes that Ashton had filmed of him and Alana. This was another thing that upset Alana– Ashton had so much potential, he just didn't realise it himself. "Why did you need them?"

"Harry wanted to watch some of them." Anne said plainly, not bothering to look at her daughter-in-law as she began to browse through the tapes herself. "I got him a guitar for his birthday. It was last Thursday."

Alana sighed. "I sent a card and I called him."

Alana had been close to Ashton's siblings, much closer than she ever was to his mother, and had kept in touch with them after his death. As an only child, Alana often wished for siblings and adored Ashton's as if they were her own. They had taken Ashton's death extremely hard, understandably, and had leaned on Alana for support, and so they often spoke, although Alana wasn't sure that Anne knew.

"He was hoping to see you." Anne said, pulling out a few particular tapes which made Alana's heart sink. Ashton had recorded those tapes for her and, selfishly, she didn't want Anne to take them, because she knew she'd never get them back.

"I didn't have time." Alana admitted which, for the most part, was true. She had thrown herself into her work, writing numerous pieces, and also had spent a lot of time with Calum and just trying to get herself into a better mental state. She regretted not going to visit Ashton's brother on his birthday, but for some reason, it didn't feel right.

"You could have done more." Anne murmured to the blonde, her tone laced with nothing but bitterness. Ashton's death was, of course, in no way Alana's fault– it wasn't anyone's fault– but Anne didn't see it this way. She genuinely believed Alana took away her son from her when they had met, and didn't save him when he needed saving.

"Anne, please." Alana murmured, refusing to cry in front of her mother-in-law. She didn't understand why she was being blamed for Ashton's death. Of course, Alana felt as though she could have done more, even though she really couldn't have. Alana did absolutely everything for Ashton, but he just couldn't take it anymore. "I tried. You have to believe that."

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